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Going Gone (Demo) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 06:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 23:35

歌曲名:Going Gone (Demo)
歌手:The Vines

Anna made the world turn black
Artist: The Vines
Got hit out on a motor track
Title: Going Gone
Now nothin\'s gone to waste for sure
Was written on her bedroom wall
In to the world
I\'m goin\'
Anna made the world turn blue
With nothin\' but her life to lose
Now nothin\'s gone to waste for sure
Was written on her bedroom wall
Into the world
I\'m goin
Out of the world
I\'m goin\'
Out of the world


热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 23:35

歌曲名:Going Gone (Demo)
歌手:The Vines

Anna made the world turn black
Artist: The Vines
Got hit out on a motor track
Title: Going Gone
Now nothin\'s gone to waste for sure
Was written on her bedroom wall
In to the world
I\'m goin\'
Anna made the world turn blue
With nothin\' but her life to lose
Now nothin\'s gone to waste for sure
Was written on her bedroom wall
Into the world
I\'m goin
Out of the world
I\'m goin\'
Out of the world

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