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Do you often stay up late?If you don't ,well,I have to tell?_百...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-30 21:58



热心网友 时间:2024-08-09 09:43

Do you often stay up late?If you do ,well,I have to tell you that it is not good to do it .A week ago,I stayed up vrey late ,reading a very interesting book.The book was so good that I just couldn't keep my eyes from it.So I read and read and when I finished it,it was already six o'clock the next morning.I went to school at seven o'clock as usual.But I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open.I fell asleep on class.The teacher criticized me.What's worse,I caught a cold during the sleep that day.So I suggest you never stay up late.,1,Do you often stay up late?If you don't(do) ,well, I have to tell you it is not something good to do it(删除it).A week ago,I stayed up vrey late ,reading a very interested (interesting) book.The book was...,2,If you don't -If you do
couldn't -could
and if-when
she caught a cold -I caught a cold
But I suggest you never stay up late. -So I suggest you don't stay up late.,1,something - anything否定
interested - interesting修饰物
if i finished it - when i finished it
as usually - as usual
fall asleep - fell asleep
she caught a cold -I,0,Do you often stay up late?If you don't ,well,I have to tell you it is not something good to do it .A week ago,I stayed up vrey late ,reading a very interested book.The book was so good that I just couldn't keep my eyes on it.So I read and read and if I finished it,it was already six o'clock the next morning.I went to school at seven o'clock as usually.But I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open.I fall asleep in class.The teacher criticized me.What's worse,she caught a cold during the sleep that day.But I suggest you never stay up late.
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