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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-29 15:37



热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 15:35

The business model of a securities firm is to attract clients, manage their investment risks and provide consulting service to clients’ investment risks; so naturally, risk management is in an extremely important position in the operation management of a securities firm.

By analyzing the present situation of investment risks and risk management, this paper has found that there are certain problems existing in the risk management of securities firms, and it offers some suggestions specifically directed at these problems.

Hopefully, with the establishment of an appropriate risk control mechanism, the reinforcement of risk prevention awareness and the enhancement of risk management level, the objective of risk control and risk reduction can be attained.


热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 15:42

The business model of stock certificate company is to absorb and manage the customer's risk, provide to consult an opinion for the customer's risk, so it is conducting in the management and by all means wanting to put a risk management on the position of very importance.This text passes the analysis of the present condition to the risk present condition and the risk management, the risk management of the detection our country stock certificate company exists of some problems, aim at these problems, put forward some suggestions respectively.Hope to pass the risk control of establishment reasonable mechanism, enhance risk to guard against consciousness, exaltation risk management level, attain control risk, reduce the purpose of risk occurrence.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 15:37

Securities companies put the risk management on an extremely important position during its mamaging process, because its business model is to absorb and manage customer's risk , and provide advice for the customer's risk.

In this case, this article provided proposal after the analysis of the existing risk status and risk management,and the figuring out the risk management problem of Securities companies in our Country.

At the same time, Hope strengthening risk prevention awareness , improving risk management by establishing a rational risk control mechanism, also achieving goal of controlling risk and reducing risk occurrence.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 15:41


The model that securities firms carry on is to absorb and manage the customers‘ risks,and provide the suggestions to them,so the firms must put the risks on the most important place during the whole process of management。
This article was written by analyzing the the present risk situation and the present risk management,we found the problems that the securities firms already have,so we give some advices according to the problems。
We hope to get the risks under control and reduce the odds of the risks’ happening by setting up a suitable system,strengthening the sensing of being on guard,and improving the management。

热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 15:35

provide advice, so it mus be in the opation and management of risk management in an extremely important position. Based on the current situation of risk and risk management 's present situation analysis, discovered our country negotiable securities company risk management problems, aiming at thee problems, some suggestions are put forward. Hope that through the establishment of reasonable risk control mechanism, strengthen risk prevention awareness, improve risk management level, to control the risk, reduce the risk of occurrnce of.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 15:39

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你看看可以不 希望能帮上你 有不懂得地方 你再追问

The business model of Securities company is to absorb and manage the risk of customers,to provide advice for the risk of customers,so management of risk must be placed on the extremely important position in the business management。
This article discovered some problems exits in management of risk of Securities companys of our country through the analysis of present situation of risk and management of risk,and proposed some suggestions separately against these problems。
Hope to strengthen risk prevention awareness,improve risk management level through the establishment of reasonable risk control mechanism,aiming at reaching the goal of controling the risk and reducing the occurrence of risk 。

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