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英语改错 每篇10处

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-29 17:05



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 09:54

Time is valuable but limit. There’s a famous saying, “Time is life”, this shows the importance of time.
limited which
When time had gone, it will never return. It is a pity when many people make poor use of time. They spend their
has that
precious time oversleeping, drinking and hanging around. They don’t realize wasting time is equal with wasting
part of their life. They always regret having made little achievement so far. However, we should form the habit of
value time. Do not put off what can be done today ∧ tomorrow. Laziness will not only bring us the failure,
valuing till/until
but lead us to the road to poverty and even deaths.
1. limit 改成limited 2. this 改成 which 3 has 改成is 4。when 改成that 5。drink 改成drinking 6。regret 后面加on7。value改成valuing8。on 改成to death

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 09:54

Time is valuable but limited.(limit)
When time is gone,it will never return.(has,back)
They don't realize wasting time is equal to wasting part of their life.(with)
Therefore,we should form the habit of valuing time.(value)
Do not put off what can be done today to tomorrow.(to)
Laziness will not only bring us failure,but also lead us on the road to poverty and even deaths.(but also )

Most families in China hope their single child will have a happy future,so they are very strict in their child.(hoped, children)
Many children are given so much homework that they have hardly any spare time to have sports.(such, )
The children are tired of lessons.(tiring)
Some even attack or kill their parents and teachers!(his)
I believe many people have already read this kind of news in newspaper or magazines.(already)
Now our government is carrying out a plan to solve these ecation problems.(carried, the)
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