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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-31 19:18



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 19:11

Telecommunications is the national economy's fundamental instry and strategic instry, to the development of national economy, national economic security and national sovereignty maintenance have very important significance. Since 2006, China telecom market basic opening to the outside world, with the telecommunications instry market opening, economic planning, the influence of market competition less accelerated. Now, the world telecom has entered the era of global competition, in the ongoing process of internationalization of telecommunications instry, how to determine their telecom enterprise development strategy, cultivate internationally competitive domestic telecommunication enterprise, achieve global telecom market competitive advantage, has become the world ascending the comprehensive national strength and paid close attention to the problem. Research telecom enterprise competitive advantage theory and development strategy research on China's telecom enterprise, the long-term development has a very important significance in theory and practice. In order to formulate telecom enterprise development strategy, I studied the local the telecommunication enterprise information.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 19:12


热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 19:12


1, telecommunication is the national economy's fundamental instry and strategic instry, to the development of national economy, national economic security and national sovereignty maintenance have very important significance. Since 2006, China telecom market basic opening to the outside world, with the telecommunications instry market opening, economic planning, the influence of market competition less accelerated. Now, the world telecom has entered the era of global competition, in the ongoing process of internationalization of telecommunications instry, how to determine their telecom enterprise development strategy, cultivate internationally competitive domestic telecommunication enterprise, achieve global telecom market competitive advantage, has become the world ascending the comprehensive national strength and paid close attention to the problem. Research telecom enterprise competitive advantage theory and development strategy research on China's telecom enterprise, the long-term development has a very important significance in theory and practice. In order to formulate telecom enterprise development strategy, I studied the local the telecommunication enterprise information.
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