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一首英文歌女的唱的歌词有walking by my self

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-31 00:58



热心网友 时间:2024-02-05 05:58

If You And Me ---——Juris

Here I am
Standing close to you
And yet still so far away
So many times I tried to say,
but my heart was afraid
Look at you,
it's all that I can do
Like a silly girl I stare
Cause you might leave me when I reveal
what my heart is really feeling
If I could just say the words all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear
Will you Take me in your arms or let me go?
Our lovely days will they just fade like whispers in the wind?
If I could just say the words all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you hear
can't you see the love I hide slip through my eyes
the silly girl so scared,
she just can't say I love you
here I am
holding on to fate
what we have may never change
Cause you might leave me when I reveal
My lips will seal the love I’m hiding
If I could just say the words all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you hear
Will you Take me in your arms or let me go?
Our lovely days will they just fade like whispers in the wind
If I could just say the words all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you hear
can't you see the love I hide slip through my eyes
the silly girl so scared,
she just can't say I love you
If I could just say the words all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you hear
can't you see the love I hide slip through my eyes
the silly girl so scared,
she just can't say I love you
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