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My sister can never resist ___(buy) fashionable shoes.动词的正确形式,帮忙解析一下,谢谢!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 08:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:37

resist的意思是抗拒,忍住,按捺 一般用否定式 是can'tresist sth或者can't resist doing sth,当然never也是表示否定意义的词 填buying

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:38

resist 后面跟ing形式

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:38

What's,Adidas NBA Shoes
this? What Are You Carrying? Season 1Episode 32 (03:35) Mar 08, 2010
In eastern Congo, the Op-Ed columnist Nicholas D. Kristof learned first hand how difficult a...
Available at: Clicker|* A Message for the President Season 1Episode 31 (02:57) Mar 01, 2010
Nicholas D. Kristof talks to Congolese rape victims and social counselors, who ask President...
Available at: Clicker|* An American in Congo Season 1Episode 30 (06:06) Mar 01, 2010
Five years ago, Lisa Shannon watched the Oprah show and learned about the savage,Lebron James 8, forgotten war...
Available at: Clicker|* Win a Trip with Nicholas Kristof Season 1Episode 29 (03:12) Mar 01, 2010
New York Times Op-Ed columnist Nicholas Kristof invites students to enter an essay contest to...
Available at: Clicker|* Monrovia's Street Newspaper Season 1Episode 28 (01:50) Mar 01, 2010
Paul Bowers, winner of Nicholas Kristof's 2009 win-a-trip contest, meets a Liberian man...
Available at: Clicker|* Nicholas Kristof on Covering a Global Crisis Season 1Episode 27 (03:56) Mar 01, 2010
New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof explains how to stay safe and get the story right...
Available at: Clicker|* Hidden Hunger Season 1Episode 26 (04:33) Mar 01,Zoom Kobe 4, 2010
Nicholas D. Kristof, columnist for The New York Times,Tracy McGrady Shoes, and trip winner Paul Bowers meet children...
Available at: Clicker|* Jackie's Story, Africa's Trauma Season 1Episode 25 (03:47) Mar 01, 2010
Nicholas D. Kristof, columnist for The New York Times, and trip winner Paul Bowers meet Jackie,...
Available at: Clicker|* With Nicholas Kristof in Sierra Leone Season 1Episode 24 (02:36) Mar 01,Kevin Durant Shoes, 2010
Paul Bowers, the winner of this year's Win-a-trip contest, talks about the prevalence of...
Available at: Clicker|* Traveling with Nicholas Kristof Season 1Episode 23 (02:28) Mar 01, 2010
From Guinea-Bissau in West Africa, this year's winner of Nicholas Kristof's win-a-trip contest,...
Available at: Clicker|* Human Rights Available Videos: 11
Source: * TimesTalks Available Videos: 9
Source: New York Times New York Times: Editors' Choice Available Videos: 142
Source: New York Times The New Yorker Available Videos: 55
Source: The New Yorker TED Talks Available Videos: 927
Source: TED NYMag.com Available Videos: 444
Source: NYMag.com On Being From the Washington Post Available Videos: 45
Source: Washington Post One in 8 Million Available Videos: 55
Source: New York Times 1st Look NY Available Videos: 634
Source: LX.TV WNYC Radio Available Videos: 1105
Source: WNYC

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:37

resist的意思是抗拒,忍住,按捺 一般用否定式 是can'tresist sth或者can't resist doing sth,当然never也是表示否定意义的词 填buying

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:38

resist 后面跟ing形式

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:38

What's,Adidas NBA Shoes
this? What Are You Carrying? Season 1Episode 32 (03:35) Mar 08, 2010
In eastern Congo, the Op-Ed columnist Nicholas D. Kristof learned first hand how difficult a...
Available at: Clicker|* A Message for the President Season 1Episode 31 (02:57) Mar 01, 2010
Nicholas D. Kristof talks to Congolese rape victims and social counselors, who ask President...
Available at: Clicker|* An American in Congo Season 1Episode 30 (06:06) Mar 01, 2010
Five years ago, Lisa Shannon watched the Oprah show and learned about the savage,Lebron James 8, forgotten war...
Available at: Clicker|* Win a Trip with Nicholas Kristof Season 1Episode 29 (03:12) Mar 01, 2010
New York Times Op-Ed columnist Nicholas Kristof invites students to enter an essay contest to...
Available at: Clicker|* Monrovia's Street Newspaper Season 1Episode 28 (01:50) Mar 01, 2010
Paul Bowers, winner of Nicholas Kristof's 2009 win-a-trip contest, meets a Liberian man...
Available at: Clicker|* Nicholas Kristof on Covering a Global Crisis Season 1Episode 27 (03:56) Mar 01, 2010
New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof explains how to stay safe and get the story right...
Available at: Clicker|* Hidden Hunger Season 1Episode 26 (04:33) Mar 01,Zoom Kobe 4, 2010
Nicholas D. Kristof, columnist for The New York Times,Tracy McGrady Shoes, and trip winner Paul Bowers meet children...
Available at: Clicker|* Jackie's Story, Africa's Trauma Season 1Episode 25 (03:47) Mar 01, 2010
Nicholas D. Kristof, columnist for The New York Times, and trip winner Paul Bowers meet Jackie,...
Available at: Clicker|* With Nicholas Kristof in Sierra Leone Season 1Episode 24 (02:36) Mar 01,Kevin Durant Shoes, 2010
Paul Bowers, the winner of this year's Win-a-trip contest, talks about the prevalence of...
Available at: Clicker|* Traveling with Nicholas Kristof Season 1Episode 23 (02:28) Mar 01, 2010
From Guinea-Bissau in West Africa, this year's winner of Nicholas Kristof's win-a-trip contest,...
Available at: Clicker|* Human Rights Available Videos: 11
Source: * TimesTalks Available Videos: 9
Source: New York Times New York Times: Editors' Choice Available Videos: 142
Source: New York Times The New Yorker Available Videos: 55
Source: The New Yorker TED Talks Available Videos: 927
Source: TED NYMag.com Available Videos: 444
Source: NYMag.com On Being From the Washington Post Available Videos: 45
Source: Washington Post One in 8 Million Available Videos: 55
Source: New York Times 1st Look NY Available Videos: 634
Source: LX.TV WNYC Radio Available Videos: 1105
Source: WNYC

解析: 1.英语动词根据词义可分为两种,一种是延续性的,一种是终止性的,终止性动词(也可称为非延续性动词,瞬间动词,或点动词),如begin,start,die,buy,leave, come等,表示动作的发生与结束于一瞬间完成,不能再延续,所以它的现在完成时不能和表示延续的时间状语连用,即不能与表示一段时间的状语,for+时间段, ...


(1)动词短语watch somebody do something的意思是“看到某人做某事”,用省略to的动词不定式在 句子中作宾语补足语。类似的动词短语还有:see/hear/notice somebody do something。 (2)这些动词的后面还可以用动词ing形式作宾语补足语,表示看/听到某人正在做某事的意思。即: watch/see/hear/notice somebody doing somet...


它是名词friend的形容词形式,常常和be动词连用, be friendly。The people in Chengdu are very friendly.4、with prep. 跟,同,和…在一起I usually play chess with my father.注意区别与and的用法,and通常用于连接主语或宾语,连接主语时,如果有I, I通常放在 and 之后,如:My father and I usually play ches...


与上面一题相似,their parents seated together joking 不是非限制性定语从句,而是一个独立主格结构,因为空格后的动词 seated 不是谓语,而是一个过去分词,因为 seat 作动词用时,是及物动词。比较以下相似题: (1) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, ___ parents were seated toget...


形式填空,将短文补充完整。 run, wear, classroom, live,begim, we , rule, can, but, arrive I am a middle school student, and now I am studing in England .I 61 in London with my parents. There are some 62 at my school. We can’t 63 late. Class 64 at 8;30..Before class, we ...

英语期中复习资料 要英语(新目标)GO FOR IT 八年级 上册的

解析: 祈使句变反意疑问句,前一部分为肯定形式时,后一部分用will you,would you, can you, can’t you及could you;而前一部分为否定形式时,后一部分只能用will you。以let’s开头的祈使句,附加疑问句常用shall we。 答案:B 注意: let’s与let us是有区别的,let us像一般的祈使句一样,附加疑问句应为...

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环球黑卡里面有钱吗 收留我歌词 让我们相爱歌词 ...只知道前面的歌词是‘我燃烧了翅膀,你却像风一样,那风铃在摇晃,倾听... 酒店集中隔离期后,为啥还要经过研讨才能出 ...我燃烧了翅膀 你却想风一样 那风铃在摇晃 倾听一种悲伤~~~_百度知... 多吃辣椒对皮肤好吗? 集中隔离到期结束流程是什么 关于时间换算的问题... 从1998年到2024年一共经过了多少年? 小学生作文保护长城 局域网内不在一个工作组的打印机共享 长城 作文 什么是雾、霭、霾? 不在同一工作组内能不能使用共享打印机 多台win7计算机不在同一工作组中怎么共享一台打印机 古人对雾霾是怎么认识的 霾的古代“霾”字的含义 小学二年级怎样写关于长城的作文 甲骨文里就有“霾”字,古时的霾是怎样的 古代的霾 跟现在性质一样吗 灰霾/尘土在古文里怎么说?急急急 “风而雨土为霾”:古代中国有“霾”吗 尘土和雾霾的区别,,,。。 韩国首尔遇严重雾霾是怎么回事? 谁知道雾霾天气形成的原因。 如果是换了一部手机的话,原来已被删除微信聊天记录还能找回? 股票中枢是什么 请问图中的走势中枢是个在哪个位置? 股票缠论书,关于缠中说禅趋势的定义,到底是至少有三个走势中枢还是至少有2个走势中枢 母女深夜翻垃圾桶连续4年,收获价值超24万,都收了什么? 小型服装店装修设计效果图总体多少钱 珠海市非师范生如何申请认定教师资格证 珠海教师资格证流程,具体。 珠海教师资格证考试的户口问题 不同工作组如何共享打印机??? 想入手台安卓手机,2000元以内的,目前锁定了S5830,HTC G13和索爱ST18I三款,觉得各有利弊,很纠结 想给爸买个智能手机,第一次拿工资,1600-2000之间。忘朋友们推荐,外观时尚,性价比高的,谢谢 两个工作组如何用另一个工作组的已经共享的打印机 你好!我想问问索爱ST18i、索爱MT15i 、三星I9000、HTC G13和索爱U1的水货价格!谢谢.. 求推荐1500左右性价比还不错的手机学生用 梦见山上的房子突然之间就塌了一半自己的老公没有拉住掉下山崖。是好还是坏? 白菜里面的生的小白菜能吃吗 Ubuntu新内核开机end kernel panic-not syncing:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) 白菜的夹层长出小白菜能吃吗? linux启动kernel panic-not syncing 大白菜帮里面长了好多小白菜,每一层里面都有,头一次见这样的白菜,还能吃吗? Ubuntu用U盘安装出现end kernel 错误 家里的白菜长胎了,就是里面有小白菜了,小娃娃,还能吃吗?急急急啊!怕有毒啊!专家进! kernel panic-not syncing