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发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-06 18:32



热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 20:48

  People living in big cities face problems; government should encourage people to move to small towns. What are these problems? Do you agree government should encourage people to move to small towns?生活在大城市的人面临许多问题,*应该鼓励人们搬到小城镇。请问这些问题是什么?你认为*应该鼓励人们搬去小城镇吗?
  People who want a modern life style, with a focus on luxury, convenience and accessibility, will choose city life. Advanced technological appliances to better job opportunities, better wages and extensive proct ranges are some of the attractions of city life. But nowadays people living in big cities face a variety of issues. Some citizens advocate that government should encourage people to move to small towns as population density in cities increases, it leads to overcrowding.
  In 2023 the United Nations estimated the total world population at 6.6 billion were living in urban areas. Roughly 80 percent of the U.S. population, for example, lives in urban areas. This happens because the demand for housing is more than the supply of housing.
  Moreover, increased movement of people from rural to urban areas puts a strain on the city's infrastracfture. As more people join the commuter rush each day, roads and freeways become crowded. New construction adds to the chaos as it struggles to keep up with demand. Ambulances and emergency vehicles sometimes find it hard to navigate the bumper-to-bumper traffic ring rush hours. This can put seriously ill or injured people's lives at risk.
  However, from the point of my view, cities have many benefits over villages for them. As a matter of fact, children growing up in small towns do not have as much access to ecation as children in cities. What's more, villages may not have enough children to create a school that goes all the way through high school. Cities on the other hand have multiple forms of ecation such as colleges and universities. Libraries and museums are available in cities. Meanwhile, entertainment is readily accessible in cities in the form of movie theaters, amusement parks and restaurants. More importantly, living in the city provides people with thousands of career choices.
  Encouraging people to move to small towns is totally an unwise suggestion. Governments can further encourage the trend by funding ecation projects and ways to inform the populace about the costs of raising more than a set number of children. By using the carrot instead of the stick, people will be more inclined to choose to have smaller families.

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