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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-13 13:35



热心网友 时间:2024-01-13 22:58

5 ways to lead a low-carbon lifestyle
It's World Environment Day, and a good reason to rethink your everyday life in terms of what you can do for the planet you live on and how you can give something back everyday.

Recing pollution is a good way to get started, and can be a lot of fun too!
Here are five ways that can easily help you rece carbon in your everyday life:
1. Shower time
A good way to start your day is by recing the time of your morning shower. This will save you a lot of water, energy and money. Simply rece your shower time to 4 minutes and you will make a difference.
2. Think about food
After taking a quick shower, you are ready to go to the markets! That way you can make sure that you are buying local, fresh and in-season food, as well as avoiding overpackaged procts. Autumn fruits and vegetables are figs, grapes, peaches, asparagus, eggplants and potatoes.
3. Switch off
But, before leaving the house, please make sure that you turned off the lights, phone chargers, TVs, computers, gaming consoles and stereos when not in use. You will rece electricity waste, save a lot of money and also cut down on CO2 pollution.
4. How about a walk?
You're on your way now – why not leave your car in the garage today and use public transport or even your bike? It's not a secret that using public transport or other alternatives instead of your car will rece the CO2 pollution dramatically. You could also organise carpooling with your colleagues or friends to get from one place to the other, or maybe even walk shorter distances. You can also enjoy your ride on the bus or train, stay fit using your bike and save CO2 easily at the same time.
5. Try swapping
Why not organise a clothes swapping night with your friends? This way you can sort out your wardrobe, have a great time with friends, be creative and find a new favourite piece to wear through re-using instead of spending money.
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