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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-07 21:35



热心网友 时间:2024-01-17 14:52


小作文范文 The flow chart shows the detailed information of how smoked fish are proced, which includes fishing, a few steps of processing and distribution. The first step starts from catching fish and then they are shipped to ports. In ports, they will be freezed before being washed by freshed water in a water tank as soon as they thaw. In the following procere, the cleaned fish will be cut in half, after which they will be soaked in a container full of salt water and yellow colouring. The third stage involves heating and smoking the fish and after this they will be packed in boxes. Once they are packed, they will be freezed again in cold storage facilities, after which all of them will be ready for distributing and soon food shops will receive these fish. In summary, the whole process can be divided into several consecutive steps and the most complicated part is processing. 大作文类型 教育类 题目 Art classes, like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be compulsory subject in high school. To what extant do you agree or disagree? 范文 Nowadays, many people contemplate whether art classes should be compulsory courses of high school. I believe it is absolutely necessary to make this idea come true as soon as possible. One of the reasons is that some artworks are rich in knowledge and through appreciating these artworks in class, students can have access to a wide range of knowledge. For example, compared with the limited narration in history book, one of the masterpieces of Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, The Last Supper, displays a scene of religion in a more vivid and profound way. Art classes offer students another opportunity to think about some knowledge and these classes are significant complement to some core classes like math and science.Without these art classes, students can only acquire knowledge through words, which is not always the most effective and comprehensive approach to learn. Apart from that, the underlying merits of attending art classes will benefit the students in the long term,which are no less than those of studying some core subjects As we know, academic performance is no longer the only standard to judge a student for many universities and as result, being adept at music or painting do help. After they enter the university,even if they study other majors in college, the skills qualities cultivated through these art classes may assist them to perform better. The abilities to be focused, to be detail-oriented and to be persistent will be concive to students no matter what their disciplines are. Considering the advantages of making art classes a complosory part in high school discussed above, I believe it is a wise choice from every aspect.   雅思真题栏目推荐阅读:

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