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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-05 12:03



热心网友 时间:2024-02-16 17:05

Has rained
evening I
all to be able to anticipate in the summer
sings the cicada hey
all awakened by noise the star
the moonlight to expose to the sun very cool
is recollects the
first public statement (primary public statement) awkward
I to look like this
liked installing philosophy you actually very
to be very much lovable
you to say will live lives in tomorrow in the anticipation
was inferior lives today very much to be comfortable
I to say I will understand have been able the too quick
future first day to have to launch
first day me to have
the first breath carefree
station to have third dimension
first day me in the ground
ankle area because of you to have
the first time to be able to fly the evil spirit
imaginary first day pure
color which the love was soars
itForever so is always bright
you to do very much laughs at you to feel strange very much
sometimes your hair very
you suddenly can become very much brave
for mine matter
such mention are not very pure
you to accompany me to look the sea
sea so blue
I probably
not to be supposed to want to result in a little badly
you is I discovered unconscious
did not see you are not are familiar with in
your look probably also very much
anticipation dissimilar future
first day I will have
the first breath carefree
station to have third dimension
first day me in the ground
ankle area because of you to have
the first time to be able to fly the evil spirit
imaginary first day pure
color which the love will be soars
itAlways forever that bright
blue color sea (Arab League letter:蓝色的海)

热心网友 时间:2024-02-16 17:06

Of the rain -
Summer evening
I will look forward
Singing cicada hey
The stars are suddenly
Moonlight drying a very cool
This is to recall
The first proct (initial message)
I think the embarrassment
In fact, you love with the very philosophy
Very lovely
You live in hope that the live tomorrow
Today we live in a very comfortable
I said I would not have been too fast
First to start the next day
One day I exist
The first breathing carefree
On the ground ankle
Because you have looked
One day I exist
The first to take off
Love is the magic vacated
First day of the pure color
It always will be brilliant

You are ridiculous you strange
Try your hair
I will break things for you
Become very courageous
Then very simple
I think you take the sea
Then blue sea
I also like
Should not you want to have a bit of bad
I found unconsciously bad
You do not see that is not very common
Lane also look forward to your eyes
Different expectations for the future
One day I exist
The first breathing carefree
On the ground ankle
Because you have looked
One day I exist
The first to take off
Love is the magic vacated
First day of the pure color
It always will be brilliant

Blue sea (name : blue sea)
Sea Cloud (Flying : maritime clouds)
Cloud partner (name : cloud tie)
Not change (Flying : no change)
To the next (name : the future)

You live in hope that the live tomorrow
Today we live in a very comfortable
I said I would not have been too fast
First to start the next day

One day I exist
The first breathing carefree
On the ground ankle
Because you have looked
One day I exist
The first to take off
Love is the magic vacated
First day of the pure color
It always will be brilliant
Always so brilliant
Always so brilliant

热心网友 时间:2024-02-16 17:06

Rain of
Evening of summer
I will expect
Cicada Hey of sing a song
All fight to come to the starses
The moonlight basked very pleasantly cool
Is to recall thus
Tell the white for the first time( the first time tells the white)
Embarrassed I see
The love pack very philosophic you are in fact
You say that live in to live in the expectation tomorrow
Live rather very comfortable today
I say that I understood and can be too quick
Will want to launch the first day in the future
I exist the first day
Breathe for the first time thrilling
Stand on the ankle on the ground
Have the true feeling because of you
I exist the first day
The first time can fly
The love is evil Imagination that the high get empty
The first day pure true color
It is always so brilliant forever

You make to smile you very much very strange
Your hair is very disorderly
Your Suddenly will be my affair
Become very brave
Say so that come very not pure
You accompany I see the sea
The sea is so blue
I seem again
Shouldn't think you have a little bad
Bad is I discover imperceptibly
The disappear you are not to make it a rule very much
Seem to also expect in your look in the eyes
Expect the different future
I exist the first day
Breathe for the first time thrilling
Stand on the ankle on the ground
Have the true feeling because of you
I exist the first day
The first time can fly
The love is evil Imagination that the high get empty
The first day pure true color
It is always so brilliant forever

The sea of the blue( letter of a : the sea of the blue)
Cloud of the sea( fly: cloud of the sea)
Cloud of that carry( letter of a : cloud of that carry)
Don't make a turn( fly: don't make a turn)
To future( letter of a : to future)

You say that live in to live in the expectation tomorrow
Live rather very comfortable today
I say that I understood and can be too quick
Will want to launch the first day in the future

I exist the first day
Breathe for the first time thrilling
Stand on the ankle on the ground
Have the true feeling because of you
I exist the first day
The first time can fly
The love is evil Imagination that the high get empty
The first day pure true color
It is always so brilliant forever
So brilliant forever
So brilliant forever


热心网友 时间:2024-02-16 17:07

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