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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-06 10:08



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 08:10

Humanist, is comprehensive, coordinated, sustainable sciencedevelopment view, is regarding the Chinese characteristic socialismdevelopment path science summary, is knew regarding the Chinasocialism modernization objective law science, is the comprehensiveconstruction well-off society and constructs the socialism harmonioussociety the guiding ideology. Science development view has raised high"humanist" the value flag, had persisted develops took the party beingin power prosperous country the first important matter, has manifestedthe development scientific diagnostic method, had reflected realizesobjective request which the person and the nature harmoniously istogether, has harmoniously indicated the path for the realizationsociety, has laid the foundation.



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 08:10

People-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable scientific development concept for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics path of scientific summation for China's socialist modernization drive of the objective law of scientific understanding, is building a well-off society and building a socialist harmonious society's guiding ideology. Promote the scientific development concept to the "people-oriented" value banner, stick to a development in governing and rejuvenating the party as the most important task reflect the development of science books, reflecting the people and nature live in harmony and the objective requirements To achieve social harmony charted the road, and laid the foundation
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