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My favourite person is my father.My father is a manager of a comp...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-04 21:08



My favourite person 英语作文

My favourite person is my father.My father is a manager of a company.He always tells me to work hard in the school.After dinner,he sits at the table and reads some books.I ask him why he is so hardworking when he leave the school.Then everytime he tells me if we want...

我最爱的人 用英语怎么说

"My favorite person"提醒:不要随便用“lover”这个词,因为这个词在英语里主要是情人的意思(有婚外恋含义),而中国人常望文生义将它译为“爱人”,这是不准确的。英语中表示我的爱或是我的爱人,直接用“my love ”就可以了。


world has so many people,and they all do something and do it well.they are fantastic!they are all stars.it 's the same name for them.i really admire them.and my favourite star is bill gates.he is very rich and he has changed the world.my father has some books about him...












steak.My father is a good cook,he will cook steak once a week.He likes rare steak,mum likes well-done steak,medium-rare is always my favourite.When my father is cooking steak,I will help him.We all like steak.我最喜欢的食物是三分熟的牛排。我爸爸是个好厨师,他每星期都会弄...


teachers.my father is a chinese teacher and my mother is a teacher of english.they are very busy with their work every day.i am a junior middle school student and i am a top one in my class.among the three main subjects,my favourite one is english.and i always help my c...

myfatherisafarm compensation withmyfather中文 helpmyfather的中文 unforgettable hesmyfather怎么提问题 comparing 和什么myfather myfather怎么提问
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