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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 05:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 16:42

  体格强壮、轮廓鲜明,略带些谢顶的布鲁斯-威利斯是好莱坞颇受欢迎的动作明星。他主演的《夜色》(The Color of Night)虽然不是很成功,但其中的插曲“The Color of Night”(由Lauren Christy演唱)却广为流传。
  You and I moving in the dark
  Bodies close but souls apart
  Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed
  I need to know the way you feel
  I'll give you everything I am
  And everything I want to be
  I'll put it in your hands
  If you could open up to me
  oh Can't we ever get beyond this wall
  Cause all I want is just once
  To see you in the light
  But you hide behind The color of the night
  I can't go on running from the past
  Lave has torn away this mask
  And now like clouds like rain
  I'm drowning and I blame it all on you
  I'm lost - God save me...
  Cause all I want is just once
  To see you in the night
  But you hide behind The color of the night
  Cause all I want is just once
  Forever and again
  I'm waiting for you
  I'm standing in the night
  please come out from
  the color of the night

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 16:42

The Color of Night

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 16:42

  体格强壮、轮廓鲜明,略带些谢顶的布鲁斯-威利斯是好莱坞颇受欢迎的动作明星。他主演的《夜色》(The Color of Night)虽然不是很成功,但其中的插曲“The Color of Night”(由Lauren Christy演唱)却广为流传。
  You and I moving in the dark
  Bodies close but souls apart
  Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed
  I need to know the way you feel
  I'll give you everything I am
  And everything I want to be
  I'll put it in your hands
  If you could open up to me
  oh Can't we ever get beyond this wall
  Cause all I want is just once
  To see you in the light
  But you hide behind The color of the night
  I can't go on running from the past
  Lave has torn away this mask
  And now like clouds like rain
  I'm drowning and I blame it all on you
  I'm lost - God save me...
  Cause all I want is just once
  To see you in the night
  But you hide behind The color of the night
  Cause all I want is just once
  Forever and again
  I'm waiting for you
  I'm standing in the night
  please come out from
  the color of the night

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 16:42

The Color of Night
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