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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-22 13:20



热心网友 时间:2024-03-02 23:44

新概念英语第一册第135-136课文详解及练习答案 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.He won't let me make another film.他不会再让我拍电影了。 句中动词let后面的不定式不带to,类似的例子如动词have,make等。 句型为:let/have/make sb. do sth. 2.introduce A to B, 将A介绍给B,向B介绍A。 The speaker introduced himself to the audience. 演讲的人把自己介绍给听众。 3.get married, 结婚。 get married (结婚),表示结婚的行为,属终止性动作;be married (已结婚),表示已婚的状态,可以表示时间的延续; marry vt. 表示“嫁”、“娶”、“结婚”、“与......结婚”的意思。根据要求不同,有时接宾语,有时则不接;还可以构成 marry sb. to...(把......嫁给......)。例如: At last she married that young man. 最后,他与那个年轻人结婚了。 The old couple married well. 这对老夫妇婚姻美满。 She wanted to marry her daughter to a rich man. 他想把她的女儿嫁给一个有钱人。 4.the latest = the latest news 最新消息。 5.…she would have to ask her future husband.……她得问问她的未婚夫。 这部分是从句,在整句话中作said的直接宾语。 would have to ask是过去将来时结构。因为主句的谓语动词是said,相对过去的这一时间点的将来就是过去的将来,所以用过去将来时结构。 语法Grammar in use 1.let的用法 let与一般动词不同,它用于动词+宾语+动词原形结构,即let后面可接名词或代词,再接不带to的动词不定式。其意思为“答应”、“让”。请看例句: She lets her son play in the garden. 她让她的儿子在花园里玩。 Her parents wouldn't let her go out with that boy. 她的父母不答应她与那个男孩子一起出去。 Just let me try! 就让我试试吧! They didn't let the guests smoke in the lobby. 他们不答应客人们在大厅吸烟。 2.间接引语中情态助动词由现在时如何变为过去时 (参见 Lessons 133~134语法部分。) ‘I can understand English,’she told me. She told me she could understand English. 她告诉我说她懂英语。 ‘I can't afford a new car,’she said to me. She told me she couldn't afford a new car. 她告诉我说她买不起新车。 ‘It will rain tomorrow,’ she told we. She told me it would rain tomorrow. 她告诉我说明天下雨。 ‘George won't travel by air, ’he said. He said George wouldn't travel by air. 他说乔治将不乘飞机旅行。 ‘I may go to the cinema this evening,’he said. He said he might go to the cinema this evening. 他说他可能今晚去看电影。 ‘I may not retire,’he said. He said he might not retire. 他说他可能不退休。 词汇学习 Word study 1.introduce v. (1)介绍;引导: He was introduced to Mrs. Black at that party. 在那个聚会上,他被介绍跟布莱克太太相识了。 May I introduce my future husband to you? 让我介绍你跟我的未婚夫熟悉好吗? (2)引进;推行: Panda has been introduced into Japan from China. 大熊猫由中国引入日本。 Economic reforms have been introduced in China. 中国推行了经济方面的改革。 (3)引领;(初次)提出: The guest was introduced into a room upstairs. 客人被领进了楼上的一个房间。 He introduced a new topic for our discussion. 他提出了一个新的议题供我们讨论。 2.really adv. (1)真正地;确实地: Are you really going to retire? 你真的预备退休吗? He wants to know what really happened. 他想知道事实的真相。 (2)用以加强语气;实在;其实: I really don't mind. 我真的不介意。 You don't really expect him to believe that, do you? 你其实并不指望他相信那一点,对吗? (3)表示疑问、惊奇、恼怒等 ;真的;是吗;真是的 练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 136 A 1 She is still not sure. 2 No, she can't. 3 His name is Carlos. 4 They will get married next week. 5 She is staying at her London Hotel. 6 Yes, she does. 7 Liz says the news is sensational. B 1 He said Penny would open the window. 2 She said she would change some money. 3 He said it would rain tomorrow. 4 He said they would arrive later. 5 She said he would repair it. 6 He said he would write to him. C 1 He told me he could understand English. 2 She told me she could recognize him. 3 They told me they could afford it. 4 She told me she could remember him. 5 He told me he could change it. 6 He told me he could finish it. D 1 They said they might arrive tomorrow. 2 He told me he might retire. 3 She said she might telephone him. 4 He told me she might sell it. 5 He said she might recognize you. 6 She told me she might finish it.
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