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Beijing is one of ___ in China. A.the large city B.the largest cit...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-22 05:03




Beijing, formerly romanized as Peking , is the capital of the People's Republic of China and one of the most populous cities in the world, with a population of 19,612,368 as of 2010. The metropolis, located in northern China, is governed as a direct-controlled municipality und...


The Yun Gang grottoes The Yun Gang grottoes 石室are ancient Buddhist temple grottoes near the city of Datong in the Chinese province of Shanxi. The site is located about 16 km south-west of the city, in the valley 山谷of the Shi Li River at the base of the Wu Zhou Shan mo...


while Evelyn but expresses the mental attitude of his own time when he writes, "The ancient Greek and Roman architecture answered all the perfections required in a faultless and accomplished building" -- but the Goths and Vandals destroyed ...


问题不在times和period的区别,而是介词搭配。times通常和in搭配,而period和during搭配,而且一般要加the: during the colonial period


One day, as governor, he was visiting the state prison at Sing Sing. Sing Sing is one of the largest prisons in the United States. The head of the prison asked Mr. Smith to say some thing to the prisoners. Mr. Smith had never spoken to thiskind of audience before.He did not know...

senior purchasing 什么意思

bear senior什么意思 bear senior的中文翻译 bear senior 熊高级 双语例句 1 Brother Bear is the largest treasure on feelings in my three-year senior time. 在我高中三年,熊哥是我情感上最大的财富。 2 Meanwhile, investigators continue to bear the river and travel panies ...

enjoy oneself Itislikealarge largecities how large it is citylarge a large one largeone什么意思 large love什么意思 a small one
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