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请翻译为英文。。。不可以纯用翻译机器 位于偏乡僻壤的“念湖”的由来...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-24 03:38



热心网友 时间:2024-03-05 02:11

Township is located in the partial quiet countryside of the origin of the "read lake", it seems the black-necked crane of loyalty for love, life and death dependency, loyalty together, and this is the description of the words of love, and the sad story, just the achievement of the lake, the original is read lake - ambition sun photography "revolution" a name - Yuejin reservoir, has become the most romantic place - read Lake. All the way to come here each year of black-necked cranes wintering, with children, couples over long distance. Thousands of miles away, because of hunger, cold, they die in the way of flight; Finally reached the destination, because pain die again. One died, the other one is double suicide and death; One died, and the other tow  with women struggling to survive. Winter came, the children have to go, only left that can't fly north's mother or father, so the elder miss, until winter, go back to the water. The word "read lake" in the net friend sad mood! In the lijiawan village not far from DaQiao Township government, in the sunlight spread all afternoon, a lot of black-necked cranes, walk alone, the birds, is more of a youngest son, and they are close to villagers in the farming, we outsiders can't be close to, because they can tell who is more close to, who would cause harm to them. For hundreds of years, the black-necked crane is the idea of a "birds", the local people in yunnan plateau on the earth, live in the warm sunshine so beautiful and wonderful, namely the warmth, the black-necked crane and the accompany them daily, every winter will come to the lake, look at these simple people, like family members "goo goo" call to them on a winter. A bird with love, a love of people and birds, to the village, the sparkling waters of looks so beautiful and amazing!!! The setting sun at dusk, leaves multicolored lake, yearning to KuangYuan silhouette, and year after year to the action of a form of black-necked cranes, constitutes the lake all the clips. Only in this kind of lonely drunk beauty, can give a the most remote and long thoughts. Read lake ah, this is the water home the most beautiful name.


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