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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-24 00:11



热心网友 时间:2024-01-24 09:38

“中国结婚习俗”英语翻译为:Chinese wedding customs
Wedding day
On the eve of marriage
Worship: the man one day before the wedding to ancestor worship heaven and earth, told to have marriage to hold.
Anqing ritual: according to the figure of eight, housing c2:... Thanks to mother's bed.
Wedding day
Ancestor worship: the man out before marry, should first ancestor worship.
Yingqin: wedding party, with even Numbers six multiples of the best.
Flame gun: wedding ceremony should be in setting off firecrackers to celebrate all the way on the way.
Food and sisters table: the bride before you go to dinner with family, said goodbyes, everybody auspicious words to say.
Please groom: the limo to the bride's side, a boy a tea tray await the groom, groom get out to the boy resalute a red envelope, and then into the bride's side.
Lovable: the groom after meeting with her family greetings, should hold the flower to the surge of the bride, the bride's sister or friend should be deliberately, after the groom cried out red envelopes with the 999 yuan li, YuChangChang for a long time.
Cover the veil: after the groom to the bouquet of flowers, the bride veil down and roll out of the hall.
Strange: the bride and groom shakily ancestor worship, the bride worship parents farewell, the groom line JuGongLi can.
Out: the bride is one of the blessings of high women elders hold bamboo screen or black umbrella away, into the car.
Wedding car: should be hanging a tree by the roots to the leaves of bamboo, with a radish hanging on the end and beginning. Car rear is cinnabar stick bamboo decorative painting gossip.
Worship fan: the bride on the front, held by a zodiac auspicious boy fan in the tea tray to the bride return envelope.
Don't say goodbye, when all people want to leave her home, never can say goodbye to her family.
Water: the bride on the wedding car, her parents will be a bowl of water, rice and rice to the bride, represent the daughter was poured out of the water, and I wish everything is successful, her daughter have to wear.
Fan: throwing the car starts, the bride will be the fan to throwing out of the window, to abandon bad temper; Shall cry, and after rolling door and the back cover of the limousine bamboo sieve symbolize prosperity.
Marry team with bamboo sieve first, bamboo root and leaf, bamboo is a piece of pork, white tiger proof ahriman.
Flame gun: setting off salute all the way, the car arrival of the man of the house, family should be burnt crackers.
Touch the orange: by holding two orange child to meet new, bride light touch of orange, and give a red envelope resalute.
Take the bride: the bride wedding car, by the man a good elders hold bamboo sieve in the bride's head, and support the bride into the hall.
Avoid stepping on the threshold, the threshold represents the face, so the couple should be across the threshold of the past.
The bride into the hall after crossing brazier trample ground tiles.
Tea: will the bride to introce in the home elders.
BaiTianDe: new BaiTianDe, 2 worshipped a hall with high ceiling, husband and wife worship, into the bridal chamber.
Into the bridal chamber, with bamboo sieve bed, requisite mirror on the table, the couple together sitting on a bench in the mat with the groom trousers in advance, refers to two people together, and it shows in the future. Then the bridegroom lifted the bride veil, and drinking wedlock wine, eat sweet soup, symbol, early birth.
Avoid sitting new bed: wedding day, everyone not to sit at the new bed.
Attending wedding banquet: fete guest, for the inauguration ceremony at the same time.
Fujian: fujian after the completion of the couple in the end of the reception and joyful.
Tea: the bride's sweet tea by the man married relatives and friends say lucky words and give a red envelope.

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