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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-25 08:43



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 23:04

ketone compound (bioflavonoids), derivative being color plain ketone or color plain alkane, take C6-C3-C6 structure as being made by nature of fundamental mother core, are that two benzene rings combine by 3 carbon atoms but be accomplished. C3 parts among them can be grease chain, with or the C6 part forms six yuan or five yuan of oxygen heterocycle. Yellow ketone compound scatters in a lot of plant broad , have the various living things activity and pharmacology effect. For example or sturdy allay inflammation , antiviral , resist the tumour, anticancer, cure the cardiovascular disease. The compound gains the yellow ketone in being able to be direct from food , draws in being unable to can the plant being rich in yellow ketone compound secondary , is made from as food additives if the soybean , orange , ocean relax. Resisting that the yellow author ketone compound gets in food is old and feeble , antioxidation functions such as retaining freshness , restraining the bacterium , health care and protecting skin acts on, be that developing new food and developing food additives and so on composes to introduce that in application in food industry.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 23:02


热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 23:02

Flavonoids (flavonoids), also known as bio-flavonoids (bioflavonoids), is the original one color or colors of the original alkane derivatives, to C6-C3-C6 structure as the basic nucleus of the natural product of the two benzene ring through the 3 combination of carbon atoms. C3 which may be part of lipid chain, or part of the formation of six-C6 or oxygen heterocyclic five yuan. In many flavonoids are widely distributed in plants, with a wide range of biological activity and pharmacological effects. For example, sprout inhibition anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, anti-tumor, anti-cancer, treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Flavonoids can be obtained directly from food, such as soybeans, orange, Larch, also available from the flavonoid-rich plant extract, as food additives made of. I on the flavonoids in food from the anti-aging, antioxidant preservation, antibacterial, skin care, such as health and function, in order to develop new food products and the development of food additives in the food industry to introduce the applications.
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