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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-25 09:34



热心网友 时间:2024-01-28 20:55

Everything from the Chinese local, by the first comprehensive consideration, after - narrowing, consider details. While the westerners from the concrete to the local to overall, this is a kind of thinking mode, the analytical formula by a point to the line, line type as the main line of thinking mode. Westerners specialises in analysis and logic thinking mode, thus into line type, and its integral children, they rely on intuition, imaginative and therefore can speak is a circle of thinking mode. "Based on the difference of the way of thinking, thinking that Chinese use indirect way to communicate, in the expression of the background or the things listed objective conditions, reason, evidence, then" dot eyeball "concluded that opinions. But western thinking line when communicating directly, revealing a language in the entire way for: firstly embodies the views or opinions on topics and then turn, illuminate that background, condition, reasons and etc.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-28 20:56

Chinese people always accustomed to from the local, descending - after full consideration, followed by narrow thinking, to consider the details. Westerners from the specific to the local to the whole, this is a analytical way of thinking, a point to a line from to the main line for the linear way of thinking. Westerners good at analysis and logical reasoning, it into a linear mode of thinking, and good on the whole Asian-style, they rely on the imaginative and intuitive, so you can speak on a round-type thinking. "Based on this difference in the way of thinking, round type of thinking makes
Chinese people use to exchange indirectly, in the language described in the first set out the background or objective conditions, reasons, evidence, and then "dotting" a conclusion on the view. The line of thinking makes the West show a more direct exchange, posed in terms of language is reflected in the way: First of all views or the views of Lumiere, specifically the theme of setting out the background and then in turn, conditions, and other reasons.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-28 20:56

Chinese reces a train of thought , considers concrete detail after everything part getting accustomed to arriving at from the entirety , small from arriving at greatly first all-round think about. Occidental arrives at but an entirety then from arriving at part concretely , this is one kind of analytical dyadic mode of thinking , a kind of arrives at a line from , takes that the line is dyadic as dyadic mode of thinking of the main body line. Occidental grows perceptibly in analysis and the logic speculate, the thinking model becomes line style therefore , Oriental grows perceptibly but in overall style, they are rich in imagination and depend on intuition, being able to talk therefore is one kind of dyadic round thinking model ". And then owing to this one mode of thinking difference, dyadic feasible round thought Chinese makes use of indirect way to carry out exchange, condition , cause , evidence having expressed the objective first, narrating the thing background or spreading out in language, the eyeball " makes a conclusion , explains view. But time dyadic feasible line thought Occidental exchange show more direct, on language stratagem sheet way then embody be: Bright first bright viewpoint or view, pointing out a subject and then explaining background , condition , cause again in proper order and so on.
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