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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 02:05



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 08:08

Farbio跑车由英国汽车生产商Farbio生产,工厂位于英国西南部的巴思是该公司旗下唯一一个品牌。这个公司原来叫FARBOUD跑车厂,旗下唯一品牌叫FARBOUD跑车。另外,英国还有一个ARASH跑车厂,旗下只有一个ARASH。原来这两家公司的老板和设计师是同一个人:Arash Farboud。这两家公司的名字都是以老板名字命名的,哇咔咔。所以呢,个人觉得Farbio没有具体的中文含义,现在好像还没有官方的中文译名吧(或者我寡闻?)。不过,改名后的FARBIO还是与ARASH维持独立运作的状态,虽然老板与设计者是同一个人。

法拉利喜欢回答说“不”,但是很多人都不习惯听到这样的回答。所以当Arash Farboud礼貌地向法拉利询问有关Enzo的情况并被告知“该上哪上哪去”时,他的第一反应就是要定购一辆保时捷Carrera GT。对大多数年轻富人来说也就这样了,但是Arash却不这样。他们还从来没有听说过他那样的。


Farboud在1999年怀着狂热的想法开始了他的生涯,生产了Porsche GT1的复制品a Porsche GT1 replica,一旦当他冷静下来,他很坦率的承认当时应该放弃整个构想,原因有二:首先,需要设计制造一辆光彩夺目的原型车,并且在车展上赢得众人的关注;其次,需要把梦想变成现实,并且很多初出茅庐的制造商都在大量的生产障碍前落马,就像司法官需要处理他们的房子、妻子和自尊心一样困难重重。问问John DeLorean就知道困难会是什么样的了。






一个帧中继桥接把马力控制到了仅仅400 bhp,但是方向盘上的一个红色按钮又能触发出200 bhp的力量。至今只有一个记者报道过,并且仅几秒钟之后他就跑出了道路而且他的裤子也被撕破了。

轻轻地一加油门就驶离道路,跑了出去,所以0-60mph的3.7秒的加速时间感觉有些保守。当保时捷的驾驶员发现并提速之前,Farboud就这样跟随Carrera GT在公路上非法飚车,一路飙升到140mph。Farboud的标定最高时速是180mph,时速直指200mph大关,真正达到了200mph的时速的时候就这辆车真的就接近那种遥不可及的程度了。









我们很快就能对其成品大饱眼福了,虽然Arash已经把控制大权交给了Marcos的创始人Jem Marsh的儿子Chris,但是Farboud迈向成功的步伐是显而易见的。


当法拉利因为Enzo而拒绝Farboud的时候,Farboud买了一辆法拉利360,所以法拉利“下次将不会说不”,他的Carrera GT现在也应该已经被送过去了。但是现在Farboud在Cambridgeshire的工厂的产品已经下线了,他也不会再需要那些车了。Beyond the sheer, wild, intoxicating, horizon-sucking pace of the thing, what most clearly defines the Farboud experience as being different to others is the cacophony of its twin turbos. On a charge they snort and puff with the slightly frightening intensity and volume of a herd of stampeding wildebeest. Lift off the gas and their wastegates mp boost with all the drama of a submarine jettisoning ballast in an emergency dive to escape depth- charges. And if you're on and off the throttle then you're treated to a form of aural ping-pong as the turbos spool-up then blow off boost indivially in a strangely rhythmic, alternating sequence; it's like listening to an early Beatles album, mixed so the feed to one speaker is different from that to the other - a primitive form of stereo.

Arash Farboud, founder of the company that bears his name and, at 29 years old, still preposterously young to be at the helm of a fledgling supercar maker, concedes that the sound of the turbos - in fact, the noise of the car as a whole - could be off-putting to some. Yet he's unapologetic. 'This is the car I built for me,' he confesses, 'a raw, thrilling pseudo-racing car. It was my dream to create something this extreme and now I've done it. The next stage for the company is to build something a little softer and more road friendly.'

In case you missed evo 053, when we introced the whole Farboud project, here, briefly and crudely, is the story. Rich boy has fetish for supercars and Le Mans racers. Decides to sink a chunk of the proceeds of selling off the family business into building own car. Proces a Porsche GT1 look-alike; gets scolded by Porsche for borrowing the shape. Finds fresh-out-of-college stylist, creates own sub-Esprit-sized mid-engined supercar.

At this stage of the tale we would normally expect to write 'The end', because that's usually what happens with such projects; they fade into obscurity, insufficiently funded and under-endowed with potential customers. And Arash has received plenty of advice to give it all up and get himself a proper job. But in the true spirit of the Colin Chapmans and Peter Wheelers of this world, he's determined to ignore the doomsters, such is his passion for what he's doing.

When we arrive at Farboud's new Cambridge workshop there are three cars in build, and when you see what lies beneath the GTS's carbon-reinforced composite skin you realise just how serious Arash is about doing the job properly. The welding of the steel tube frames attached fore and aft of the aluminium honeycomb central tub is all smoothly finished and the tubes themselves are epoxy-coated; there's Ohlins race-spec pushrod suspension and massive AP Racing discs all-round.

Then there's the engine; built-up from components by Audi race outfit Dialynx, it's based on the V6 unit from the RS4 bored out to 2.8-litres and with a host of fresh internals, a brace of Garrett T25 water-cooled turbos and a Motec engine management system that will help give proction models 440bhp - the pre-proction car pictured here has 380bhp. (The options list includes an upgrade to 580bhp if you fancy it.) Farboud has even designed its own exhaust-port-to-turbo manifold to improve turbo response.

So far, so promising, especially as the Farboud looks slick and, like a 911, seems such a manageable size. Climbing in and out requires that special low-slung, mid-engined supercar leg and hip shuffle, and it helps (as it does in the Elise) to slide the seat fully back prior to entering or leaving. Once aboard, Sparco seats with bolsters as embracing as a boa constrictor keep you lodged in place. The facia is plain and functional, and this pre-proction car boasts the Stack instrument cluster likely to be an option later on. What initially strikes you most about the cabin is the thickness of the A-pillar and the lowness of the windscreen's upper rail; they combine to narrow forward vision considerably, but after a while you don't notice this unless you're trying to exit a busy junction.

To start this car you must first flick a trio of switches - cooling fans, ignition, electric power steering pump. Then you prod the starter button. The Farboud doesn't sound quite like a V6 or a V8 and certainly not like an Audi when it fires up; it makes a potent, precision-machined noise, raw yet not harsh, overlaid with a competition engine's sense of purpose.

There's no doubting what that purpose is when you kick the throttle down - headbanging performance. The Farboud has raging acceleration that subjectively is easily capable of dropping a pursuing 911 - the claimed 0-60mph figure of 3.6 seconds is eminently plausible, but a hint of front-end wander at high speeds brings the 181mph v-max into question.

At low speeds the electrically-assisted power steering is slow to respond and inconsistent of feel, but if you switch it off the helm is too heavy for manoeuvring. Rack up the speed and you can point the Farboud down the road with reasonable accuracy if not all the feedback you might like, given the pace you're travelling at. Switching off the power assistance once you're up and running greatly improves communication but you'll need a bit of strength in your arms if you're to drive like this for long.

Cambridgeshire's roads weren't twisty or empty enough ring our time to learn anything meaningful about the handling, but on the cresting 90mph bend we used for our pictures, it felt commendably stable and firmly planted. As for the brakes, well, while the pedal feels slightly mushy, the performance is vicious enough to squish your brain against the inside of your forehead.

Where does the Farboud sit in The Grand Scheme of Things? It's hard to say. At ΂£78,138 it's priced in 911 territory, but even in full proction trim it's never likely to have the Porsche's sense of completeness. And it's very noisy.

Arash Farboud knows all this. Only six cars are in the pipeline to be built to this specification, and he's hoping there are half a dozen people out there happy to live with the compromises in exchange for big-hearted performance from a car that's not a Porsche 911.

Meanwhile he's looking at ways to proce the car for a keener price - ditching the Ohlins suspension, for instance, will save about a grand a corner and an off-the-shelf Ford V8 will cost less than the competition-spec Audi engine and meet new emissions regulations. He has his eye on a ΂£50,000 base price - in other words, Noble money - for a car that should look pretty much the same as it does now. Now that really could establish the name of Farboud on the automotive landscape.


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