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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 01:58



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 07:55

stand collar top width is 1 1/4”edge stitch。

front:2“wide placket and 1/4”top stitch,there is loop on the shulder,3 3/4“leth and 1”wide,1/4“top stitch around。
postion the pocket on front cross,flap leth is4 1/4“1 7/8”wide,1/4“top stitch around,two parts on the welt pocket,1 1/4" width in middle of pocket with 1/4"stitch ,edge stitch on welt pocket and underside seam overlocked。

back:back yoke top with 1/4 stitch,the loop of backyoke postion 5/8below from backneck,1/4top stitch at the middle of sideback and overlocked underside seam。

seam:backround overlocking on the sideseam(total back body legth),

sleeve:sleeve cuff height is 2“with 1/4 top stitch and overlocked in underseme ,the slit leth is 4”covered with 1/4 binding,two buttonshole on the cuff,

hem:1“X3fold hem,2 needle top stih。

lining:none lining

热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 07:56

collar: collar width 1 1 / 4 "collar, clear the Mouth of the week.
front: Placket Width 1 1 / 4 ", cut 1 / 4" only port. Received before the shoulders Stream, there are shoulder loop, loop length 3 3 / 4 "wide, 1", a week cut 1 / 4 "clear only the mouth. Upper chest pocket, bag cover long 4 1 / 4" wide and 17 / 8 ", a week 1 / 4" only port. Before the patch pocket with pieces in the middle width 1 1 / 4 ", cut 1 / 4 only port, the sewing. Installed the week before the patch pocket clean only port, which need to beat sides.
back: a yoke, yoke on the pressure 1 / 4 "clear only port. After the yoke on a small loop, clear the Mouth of the week. collar down 5 / 8 loaded small loop. rear center high-cut 1 / 4 pairs of only mouth. seam side copy.
seam: seam side seam round, whose height.
sleeve: there are split ends, 1 / 4 piping. BRANCHING long 4 "with 2 tuck, cuff width 2", cut 1 / 4 single-ended ports, with 2 flat head eye. I just installed cuff clear. Xiudi copy side seam, then high.
hem: welt width 1 "3 fold, cut double-ended port.
lining: No folder cloth

热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 07:56

Collar, led by 1 1 4, "立领 a stop front : chikakiyo. the front by 1 1 1 4 4", "the shoulder seam. before there is the gully, shoulder evildoer, three three four evildoer," 1 ", a week for four" cut out the front. there are pockets of the length and 4 to 1 4 to 1 7 8 "," a week for four ". before the end of a stick together, 1 1 of the four". 1 4 单止口, in sewing. on patch pockets for a week before the end, it needs to be chosen. a yoke, yoke back : press 1 4 "the end. after yo

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