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...on my nam 什么的还有一句是they call me janet ,这歌是什么名字啊...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-10 09:22



热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 04:52

the ting tings that's not my name

four letter word just to get me along
it's a difficulty and i'm biting on my tongue and i
i keep stalling, keeping me together
people around gotta find something to say now

holding back, everyday the same
don't wanna be a loner
listen to me, oh no
i never say anything at all
but with nothing to consider they forget my name
(ame, ame, ame)

they call me 'hell'
they call me 'stacey'
they call me 'her'
they call me 'jane'
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name

they call me 'quiet girl'
but i'm a riot
mary-jo, lisa
always the same
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name

i miss the catch if they throw me the ball
i'm the last chick standing up against the wall
keep up, falling, these heels they keep me boring
getting glammed up and sitting on the fence now

so alone all the time and i
lock myself away
listen to me, i'm not
although i'm dressed up, out and all with
everything considered they forget my name
(ame, ame, ame)

they call me 'hell'
they call me 'stacey'
they call me 'her'
they call me 'jane'
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name

they call me 'quiet girl'
but i'm a riot
mary-jo, lisa
always the same
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name

are you calling me darling?
are you calling me bird?
are you calling me darling?
are you calling me bird?

they call me 'hell'
they call me 'stacey'
they call me 'her'
they call me 'jane'
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name

they call me 'quiet girl'
but i'm a riot
mary-jo, lisa
always the same
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name

they call me 'hell'
they call me 'stacey'
they call me 'her'
they call me 'jane'
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name

they call me 'quiet girl'
but i'm a riot
mary-jo, lisa
always the same
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name

they call me 'hell'
they call me 'stacey'
they call me 'her'
they call me 'jane'
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name

they call me 'quiet girl'
but i'm a riot
mary-jo, lisa
always the same
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
that's not my name
孩子依赖性太强,妈妈怎么办?目录 孩子对妈妈依赖性太强怎么办 介绍权利的游戏里龙之母全名是什么? 澳洲血橙胶原蛋白是玻璃瓶的吗? 梦见母亲侄子妹妹舅妈电话破屋的预兆 梦见坐别人的车什么意思 有多少人去拜过“龙母”,又有几人知道“龙母”是真的存在过 龙母庙地址在哪里? 龙母像地址在哪里? 龙姥姥是龙母娘娘吗 羽绒服怎么洗好一些?在家洗,用什么洗?谢谢 新注册怎么弄? 长痘的敏感肌,是应该先祛痘还是先修复皮肤屏障呢? 电脑打lol为什么会小卡小卡的? 是什么问题 求大神解析! 一年内怎么改第二次 一年内能改第二次吗? 修改未满一年怎么修改 一年内怎么改第二次 为什么我的电脑玩LOL有的时候会一顿一顿的 中美联合技术是做什么的? 红薯,白薯,紫薯各有奇效,哪种最好 英雄联盟里面的剑魔的被动是不是像复活甲一样,是定时刷新的? 为什么电脑看视频会卡顿,怎么解决? 手机下载的游戏是rar玩不了啊,怎么解压?拜托了,吾乃小白一枚~ 如何强制二次修改 我用U盘拷贝了一个Anno 1800到我的电脑上,为什么打不开并且育碧还要再给... 改错了未满一年怎么改回来 一年内怎么改第二次 怎么强制修改第二次 win10打开此电脑无响应怎么办? 一年内怎么改第二次 电脑卡顿、反应慢?一步步排查解决 车辆定位器一般是小车才能用吗,可以用在电动车上吗? 战国basara3宴 下载好以后 怎么 解压啊 我 是小白 求指教 为什么LOL买装备会卡一下 如何强制二次修改? ...要经过那些消化酶的作用才能分解为氨基酸?这些氨 索尼rx10m4如何快速调ls0? 长痘的敏感肌,是应该先祛痘?还是先修复皮肤屏障? 恩施到温州丽水古桥省时路线推荐 初级银行从业考试:抓住机会,迎接挑战! 登不上,我又注册了一个新的,以前的微号还能找回来吗? 如何强制二次修改 “相望不如相识,相识不如相知,相知不如相爱,相爱不如相守,相守不如相望... 修改未满一年怎么修改 工地旁边的铁皮房做饭店挣钱吗 怎么申请注册新账号? 不到一年怎么改第二次 如何一年内强制二次修改 一个手机号在注册了一个微信后又注册了新的,旧的怎么找回?