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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-09 06:06



热心网友 时间:2024-01-26 12:04

Official holidays constitutes an indispensable part of British life and their culture. Because their holidays are limited, they always hold a great celebration when it comes - activities like throwing snowballs in Christmas, Carnivals in May or Seaside ice-cream parties will take place. And of course they have other traditional ways of celebrating the other days of rest.
The most important official holiday in Britain is Christmas, Easter, and the New Year. Some other days in which they close down banks and business affairs are also official holidays. However, they do not always take place on the same day every year, and the four separate official regions of England each have their own offical holidays. For instance, in England and Wales people have 8 official days-off a year, while Scotland and North Ireland have 10.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-26 12:04


热心网友 时间:2024-01-26 12:04

National holiday is the life and an important part of culture. Also because of the holiday is not very much, so when they meet national holidays, must be carefully clung to celebrate Christmas time, like a snowball fights in the carnival in August, beach party or ice cream. Of course, in the whole year with other male fixed holidays, but also has many traditional weekend celebration activities. "
In Britain, the most important national holiday is Christmas, Easter, and New Year, Other like the bank and commercial activities regulations will be suspended for holidays are male. The holiday is fixed on the same day, every year, and British four areas, a set of each holiday, such as in England and wales is a set of eight male and in Scotland, holiday with Northern Ireland until the days

热心网友 时间:2024-01-26 12:05

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