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急 帮忙翻译翻译几句话 中译英

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-19 04:09



热心网友 时间:2024-01-22 06:02

1. early morning air, is the best breakfast, approaches nobody waterfront in this, only supplies me to enjoy.
2. i n like writing, but i like writing literature.
3 today between her finger has not contaminated the Nicotine flavor, replaces it is this kind of petty action.
4. I appreciate your writing, be an other people , I understand your this self-feeling -like record way, continues your record, constructs well yours feeling, because I like.
5.I am not willing to describe in the middle of this carefully the spoken language, this is does not have the gunsmoke, about love war.
6. But they actually fear that this happily steal by nearby ear larceny.
7. Perhaps, his sound really very enchanting, he describes the thing really has the attraction, but in this moment, my five senses completely looks but not see actually, turns a deaf ear.
8. Yesterday, this man sat nearby me , only was, he spent for 24 hours to move to my opposite

热心网友 时间:2024-01-22 06:03

1 early morning air, is the best breakfast, approaches nobodywaterfront in this, only supplies me to enjoy
2 I do not like writing, but I like writing
3. She between the finger has not contaminated the Nicotine today theflavor, displaces is this kind of petty action
4. I appreciate your writing, took other people, I understand yourthis self- feeling -like record way, continues your record, constructswell yours feeling, because I like
5. I am not willing carefully to describe in the middle of this thespoken language, this is does not have the gunsmoke, about love war
6. But they actually for fear that this happily by neighbor earlarceny
7. His sound really very is perhaps enchanting, he describes the thingreally very much has the attraction, but in this moment, my fivesenses actually completely looks but not see, turns a deaf ear
8. yesterday, this man sat nearby me in the position, only was, hespend for 24 hours to move my opposite
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