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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 12:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 11:04

To Adam:
Rise and shine,Adam.You're probably wondering where you are.I'll tell you where you might be.You might be in the room that you die in.Up until now,you simply sat in the shadows...watching others live out their lives.What do voyeurs see,when they look into the mirror?Now I see you as a strange mix...of someone angry and yet apathetic.But mostly just pathetic.So are you going to watch yourself die today,Adam?or do something about it?
太阳照*了亚当,也许你想知道这是哪,我告诉你,这是一个你可能将长眠于此的地方。直到昨晚为止,你一直躲在暗处窥视他人的生活。*者照镜子时他们会看到什么?在我看来,你是一个集易怒症与麻木病一身的奇怪混合体。但更主要的是条可怜虫。今天,你准备看着自己死去吗亚当?还是,去做些什么? To Gorden:
Dr.Gorden.This is your wake-up call.Every day of your working life,you have given people the news...that they are going to die soon.Now you will be the cause of death.Your aim in this game is to kill Adam.You have until 6:00 on the clock to do it.There's a man in the room with you.When there is that much poison in your blood,the only thing left to do...is shoot yourself.There are ways to win this...hidden all around you.Just remember:"X" marks the spot for the treasure.If you do not kill Adam by 6:00...then Alison and Diana will die,Dr.Gorden.And I'll leave you in this room to rot.Let the game begin.
高医生,这是你的叫醒电话。你每天的工作只是一边告诉病人们“对不起,我尽力了。”一边无动于衷地看着他们死去。今天,你将成为死神。这场游戏你的目标就是必须在6点前杀死亚当。这屋里还有个人,当你血液里有那么多毒素,你所能做的就只有自杀了。有几种方法来过关。道具都隐藏在你的周围。但要记住“X”标记着宝箱位置。如果你6点前没杀死亚当,那么高太太和高戴安也将死去。而你,老高,我会让你在这房间里腐烂。那么游戏开始。 To Amanda:
Hello, Amanda.You don't know me, but I know you.I want to play a game.Here's what happens if you lose.The device you're wearing is hooked into your upper and lower jaws.When the timer at the back goes off...your mouth will be permanently ripped open.Think of it like a reverse bear trap.Here, I'll show you.There is only one key to open the device.It's in the stomach of your dead cellmate.Look around, Amanda.Know that I'm not lying.You better hurry up.Live or die. Make your choice.
你好,麦克,我想和你玩个游戏。到目前为止,在你所谓的一生里,你一直通过窥探他人而谋生。社会上称你这种人叫告密者,线人,卧底。我说你只是个配不上身体和生命的垃圾。现在,让我们看看你是否愿意注重内心而不是外表,放弃你所依赖的东西。你脖子上的装置叫做死亡面具。它由弹簧控制器控制。如果你不能及时找到钥匙,面具就会关上,可以把它想像成猪笼草一样的东西。现在看到的是不到2小时前的你的身体,别担心,考虑到你在这里是个不安定的因素,我会提示你钥匙被藏在哪了。现在听好了,提示就是它就在你眼睛前面。哼哼,小麦,为了生存你要流多少血?生或死,你自己选。 8 people's game:
Greetings and welcome.I trust that you are all wondering where you are.I can assure you that while your location is not important,what these walls offer for you is important.Salvation if you carn it.Three hours from now the door to this house will open.Unfortunately,you only have two hours to live.Right now you are breathing in a deadly nerve agent.You're been breathing it since you arrived here.Those of you familiar with the Tokyo subway attacks will know its devastating effects on the human body.The only way to overcome it and walk out that door is to find an antidote.Several are hidden around this house.One is inside the safe in front of you.You all possess the combination to the safe.Think hard,the numbers are in the back of you mind.The clue to their order can be found over the rainbow.Once you realize what you all have in common,you will gain a better understanding of why you're here."X" marks the spot for that clue,so look carefully.Let the game begin.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 11:04


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