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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-13 16:50



热心网友 时间:2023-12-26 10:12


f@8恼i萨严irr@e§@1rr3οU!;;旷1i{§g〈I g

John and Syiviawere
quite rich-F They had a
large,beautiful-house fuil
of expensive paintings.
Th ey had m an y
friends and were not sur-
prised when they re-
ceived twofree tickets for
the theater-They were
su rprised,however,
when they could not find
out whohad sent them the tickets.There was noletter in theenve-
lope with the tickets.
叮heyve forg。tten b put in a le忧erf J。hn said.\\“How strange.we
don’t know who tothank-,,
They phoned many of their friends and asked,\\“Did you send us
theater tickets?”
\\“No,”their friends said-\\“We didn’t send them-,,
\\“lt’s strange,”Sylvia told her husband,\\“but we won’t waste the
tickets.Everyone says that the play is very good-”
And SO they went to the theater.They did not really enjoy the
play,however,because they were worrying allthe time.
The piay started at eight o’clock and finished at haw past ten
When they got home It was aner eleven.
There was a note on their front door-
lt said,\\“We hope you enjoyed the playJ’
inside the house there was not a single painting.They had au
been stolen-


f@8恼i萨严irr@e§@1rr3οU!;;旷1i{§g〈I g

John and Syiviawere
quite rich-F They had a
large,beautiful-house fuil
of expensive paintings.
Th ey had m an y
friends and were not sur-
prised when they re-
ceived twofree tickets for
the theater-They were
su rprised,however,
when they could not find
out whohad sent them the tickets.There was noletter in theenve-
lope with the tickets.
叮heyve forg。tten b put in a le忧erf J。hn said.\\“How strange.we
don’t know who tothank-,,
They phoned many of their friends and asked,\\“Did you send us
theater tickets?”
\\“No,”their friends said-\\“We didn’t send them-,,
\\“lt’s strange,”Sylvia told her husband,\\“but we won’t waste the
tickets.Everyone says that the play is very good-”
And SO they went to the theater.They did not really enjoy the
play,however,because they were worrying allthe time.
The piay started at eight o’clock and finished at haw past ten
When they got home It was aner eleven.
There was a note on their front door-
lt said,\\“We hope you enjoyed the playJ’
inside the house there was not a single painting.They had au
been stolen-
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