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2011年12月英语四级@¥%答案 有的发邮箱xiaoxiaomin123456@163.com 分享下 谢谢~~~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 14:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 17:43

1-5 CADCB 6,7BD 8,steal a grade 9, 10,their dishonesty
完整版 快速阅读精确版1. sticks 2.it is3.to ensure 4.it is claim5.make6.value7.pay8.steal a grade9.honesty and good faith of others 10.their dishonesty 听力 11. ^^ask the staff 12.b ^^ TV program 13.^^^^^^ missing her flight 14.at a restaurant 15^^^^of the woman 16.^^^^a low-rent apartment 17.^^^otpic more focused 18,they didnot 19,he likes 20,the cold 21 depressing 22they work 23,french 24,careers 25,its 26 the art of 27to enhance 28how listeners 29 directing 30twoofhis employee 31advancement 32sheis competing 33The help 34.Their wording 35.Some 36company 37single 38completely39vacation 40built 41ecectricity42 evidence 43journey 47, challenges 48,stable 49,progress 50,certainly 51,role 52,significant 53,marvelous 54,included 55,consist 56 solution 阅读:57,encourage 58,perform 59,it fails to give 60,teaching can be tailored 61,they conform 62,D it makes 63, 64,conficts 65,money means 66.discuss money 完型填空 67.reveal 68.staff 69.while 70.absences 71.surveys 72.private 73.conformed 74.transfer 75.unless 76.for 77.dominate 78.creative 79.technical. 80.subject 81.since 82.rate 83.general 84.highlighted 85.workforec 86.where 翻译精确版:87.contribute to the earthquake survivors 88.was not likely to receive my e-mail 89.always have been encouraged me not to lose my heart 90.consider the popularity of this novel 91.define happiness only with money 作文:没有坚强的意志什么事都不能成功 You can do the sun bright delicate peony, let the world bright block, you can do a magnificent rivers, let the world exclaim. Did you know that in these victories and behind the success is strong. Generation of celebrities Sima Qian, said to have descendants admiration and praise, because he is chastened, hard and strong. Generation of poets Tao Yuanming, make people envy, because of his pastoral seclusion, live take one's ease. However, his heart but is because there is a spirit to support, this spirit is strong. A contemporary of Yang Liwei, have made hundreds of millions of people praise reputation, because he has a strong faith, without fear, have true faith, his firm and indomitable contributed to his success, strong always ask our success and failure, gain and loss should be treated as the grass like natural, calm, indomitable. Strong always asks we should like the chrysalis that firm, hard. Therefore, each person's success is because of the strong to strong, really, really strong is all victory 这个是完整版的。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 17:44

这个你在百度上就能找到 因为我现在手机 无法给你发 追问那怎么找呢 谢谢!!

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