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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-22 16:17



热心网友 时间:2024-06-17 16:23

1.why ane dog afraid to sunbathe?
2.why is pig always eating?
3.why are politicians no longer concerned with snowball fights?

1.Because they don't want to be hot dogs.
2.Because it wants to be a pig.
3.Because cold war is complete.

1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C ?
2.Why is the letter E so important?
3.Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other?

4.What letter is an animal ?
5.What letter is a question?
6.Why is U the jolliest letter?

7.How do you feel today?
8.How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?
9.Why do people wish for something they haven't got?

10.What can you tell from Peter's record card with extremely poor grades?
11.What does everybody do at the same time?
12.What resembles half a pie?

13.Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired?
14.When do people have two mouth?
15.Why do lions eat raw meat?

16.How many sides does a circle have?
17.What animal can jump as high as a tree?
18.How can you be completely sleepless for seven days and still lack no rest?

19.Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
20.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it ome?
21.If two's company and three's crowd,what's four and five?

22.The farmers in this village used modern methods but harvested no apples this year ,why?
23.The injured dog had some difficulty going home.Every step he took, he slipped back two.However,he still managed to get home. How did he do it?If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it ome?
24.What falls often but never gts hurt?

25.How did the pick-pocket spot the plain-clothes cop in his woman's disguise?
26.Which month has 28 days?
27.What is it that everyone wants to have and get rid of too?

28.where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from?
29.Lucky Mouse fell off a 1000-step stair and was not hurt.why?
30.Why do giraffes have long neck?

31.How can you make 6 out of three 7's?
32.How can you make 6 out of three 5's?
33.how can you make 1000 out of eight 8's?

34.Can you name the captital of every state in the U.S. in ten seconds?
35.A police officer had a brother ,but the brother had no brother.How could that be?
36.Why does a cat look first to one side and then to the other side when it enters a room?

37.How do you know policemen are strong ?
38.With which hand do you write?
39.What must you do before you return a book to the library?

1.ause it makes fat fact!
2.ause it's the begining of everything!
3.ause there is love between them!
4. It's the letter B!
5. It's the letter Y!
6. ause it's in the midst of fun!
7. With my hands ,of course!
8. Take a longer rope and compare with it!
9. What else is there to wish for? You cease to wish for it once you get it!
10. He didn't cheat!
11. Grow old!
12. The other half!
13. Santa Claus 圣诞老人
14. When there's two of them 有两个人时!
15. They don't know how to cook 他们不知道如何烹饪!
16. Two. The inside and the outside!
17. All animals,for trees can't jump!
18. Sleep at night!
19. At the bottom!
20. Wet!
21. Nine!
22. They planted peech trees!
23. He walked in the other direction!
24. Snowflakes!
25.He passed by a cosmetics store without looking in the window!
26. Every month has at least 28 days!
27. One's appetite!
28.From a hen!
29. He fell off the last step!
30. ause their heads are far from their bodies!
31.easy . 7- 7/7=6!
32. easy. 5+5/5=6!
33. easy. 8+8+8+8+88+888=1000!
35. The police officer was a lady!
36.ause it can't see both sides at once.
37.ause they can hold up traffic with just one hand!
38. Neither.I use a pen!
39.Borrow the book from library.

2)---- What fruit is never found singly ? (什么水果永远不会是单个的?)?
—— A pear.?
(3)---- Why are young men unwilling to date the daughter of the Fortunes ? (年轻人为什么不愿意和福琼家女儿约会?)?
—— Because she is Miss Fortune.?

注: 以上脑筋急转弯泛采用了同音词(homonyms):
(3)“Miss Fortune”音同“misfortune”(不幸)

(4)Why is an empty matchbox the best thing to have in the world ?(为什么空火柴盒是世界上最好的东西?)?
——Because it is matchless.?

(5)Why did little Tom put his brother's guitar in the refrigerator ?(小汤姆为什么把哥哥的吉他放在冰箱里?)?
——Because he enjoyed cool music.?

(6)What stays hot even if put it in a fridge?(什么东西即使放在冰箱里也热?)
? ——Pepper.?

注: 以上脑筋急转弯大量运用了双关语(puns):
回答者:qing820 - 助理 * 9-20 20:58


1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C?
2.Why is the letter E so important?

1.Because it makes fat fact.
2.Because it's the begining of every-thing!

---- Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad ? (爸爸和妈妈谁和你更近?)?
—— Mom is closer because dad is father.?
(2)---- What fruit is never found singly ? (什么水果永远不会是单个的?)?
—— A pear.?
(3)---- Why are young men unwilling to date the daughter of the Fortunes ? (年轻人为什么不愿意和福琼家女儿约会?)?
—— Because she is Miss Fortune.?

注: 以上脑筋急转弯泛采用了同音词(homonyms):
(3)“Miss Fortune”音同“misfortune”(不幸)

(4)Why is an empty matchbox the best thing to have in the world ?(为什么空火柴盒是世界上最好的东西?)?
——Because it is matchless.?

(5)Why did little Tom put his brother's guitar in the refrigerator ?(小汤姆为什么把哥哥的吉他放在冰箱里?)?
——Because he enjoyed cool music.?

(6)What stays hot even if put it in a fridge?(什么东西即使放在冰箱里也热?)
? ——Pepper.?

注: 以上脑筋急转弯大量运用了双关语(puns):

1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C?
2.Why is the letter E so important?

1.Because it makes fat fact.
2.Because it's the begining of every-thing!


http://www.justriddlesandmore.com/classicriddles.html 1. What day of the week is the best for having fried foods?
2. What kind of dog has no tail?
3. What keys won't open doors?
4. When can you run as fast as a horse?
5. I begin with T and end with T, and I am full of T. What am I?
6. Why is "heat" faster than "cold"?
7. Why is "SMILES" the longest English word?
8. In CHOCOLATE, there are three things to drink. What are they?
9. I get dirty when your face and hands become clean. What am I?
10. When is a blue book not a blue book?
11. Why do birds fly south for winter?
12. What kind of cake do small boys dislike?
13. Twelve girls were standing under a large umbrella. Why didn't any
of them get wet?
14. What is there between sea and sky?
15. What goes up but never comes down?
How many side are there in a house?

-2 sides: inside and outside

Who wasthefirstoneto fly in to the sky?

-bird ==;

Which month has 28 days?

-all of them

1.What letter is an animal?
2.What letter is a vegetable?
3.What letter is a question?
4.What letter is your eye?
5.What letter stands for the ocean?
什么字母代表海洋?C (SEA)

热心网友 时间:2024-06-17 16:23

What is in the middle of water?.---Tea(t)

热心网友 时间:2024-06-17 16:24

How many side are there in a house?

-2 sides: inside and outside

Who wasthefirstoneto fly in to the sky?

-bird ==;

Which month has 28 days?

-all of them

热心网友 时间:2024-06-17 16:24

What matter does to take 3 first 4 feet??

Two people lift one to move
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