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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 20:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 19:09

如果不是待在加州的人,只要买的到材料,应该会更要想办法弄出家乡味吧?! One kind of Recipe: Tomato fried beef noodle soup.


材料: 六碗牛肉汤的份量
Ingredients, to serve 6 bowls of beef soup. 要share给日本同学,所以也试著加上英文 (English recipe is for Kaori san.. :-)

1.水 Water 1000cc-1200cc depends on how thick you like your soup is
2.葱 Green onion: 4支
3.姜 Ginger: 8 片 around 7/8oz, sliced
4.蒜头 Garlic: 8个, slightly chopped
5.洋葱 Onion: 1个, cut into 2x2cm slice
6.番茄 Rome Tomato: 6个 chopped into 6 pcs each, actually other kind of tomato is also okay only you may want to adjust the quantity as other kind of tomato is bigger.
7.辣豆瓣酱 Soy bean paste with chili (spicy dou-ban-chan) : 2大匙 2 table spoons
8.蠔油 Oyster flavored sauce : 2大匙 2 table spoons
9.米酒 Rice alcohol (or Michiu): 2大匙 2 table spoons (you may want to try using Japan sa-kai if you don't want to buy a bottle of michiu?)
10.牛肉卤包 Spice pouch for beef stew: 1包 one pouch/bag (99 ranch sell the brand 小磨坊—庙口小吃 牛肉卤包 made in Taiwan, which I used that day. However I think what I bought proced by 顶记-真好家 from Taiwan’s Welcome Supermarket is preferred by me)
11.牛肉 Beef: 约1400gm切成约3x3cm 块状. 分别试过牛腱,及肩部牛肉比较有牛筋的部份, 我觉得後者较佳. Beef around 3LB. Cut them into 3cm*3cm cubes. I’v tried using both “Beef Banana Shank Whole” that I bought in 99 Ranch Supermarket or “Top Blade Roast” I bought in Safeway market. I preferred Safeway’s Top Blade Roast (named “Ranchers Reserve Beef Blade Roast Boneless” in Safeway with more “tendon筋” which will make the beef tender but not just soft) (後记.参考了五楼贵哥哥留言,後来试了Costco的Beef Chuck Short Ribs Boneless USDA choice.应该是排骨肉,或说肋条吧. 肉的品质不错. 不过牛油粉多.煮後冰过一定要捞油. 还有肉先煮20min,好像比较不入味. 想来我原来煮的方式也算是要泡在卤汁里一天以上.肉也不至於会煮散.而且我还是喜欢番茄多一点的口味比较解腻一点. 还有99Ranch大华99真的买得到酸菜.在美国吃得到加了炒酸菜的番茄牛肉面,做梦也会笑!而且在台湾吃得牛肉面很多都很好吃,只是常觉太油.自己弄就没这问题了! :-)12. 蔬菜油 1匙, Vegetable oil, one table spoon
The photo shows all the ingredients. I took the photo from one of many cookings: The beef, it's beef shank at that time. But I changed to use beef blade roast I bought from Safeway afterwards as there is more tendon. 准备三个锅.一个锅煮水准备烫牛肉.压力锅准备最後煮牛肉汤.一个炒锅要先炒香所有材料.
Prepare three pots to cook. One, boil the water, then cook the beef for around just a minute and drain to wash the blood away. The other pressure cooker is to cook the beef soup. The third one is to stir-fry all the materials. 一个锅煮水. 水滚後,下牛肉,烫掉血水就把牛肉捞起.切勿煮久.後来看过电视上大厨甚至建议省去此步骤.因为他说现在的肉都是电宰,比以前的方法乾净.如果省了这步骤,汤更有牛肉甜味,但煮好後得捞掉不好看的渣渣. 所以看倌可自行决定.
One Chinese Chef also recommends that we may not boil/wash the beef as the soup will be better with beef flavor. However, I then need to use the Japan cooking paper of Lion brand to drain the oil and bubble away.

压力锅裏放水1000-1200cc,并放入部份的洋葱,葱姜蒜及卤包.水滚後,再放入烫掉血水的牛肉,加米酒.煮约1分钟就准备捞起牛肉要入炒锅. 这锅汤是牛肉汤底.可续小火.
The pressure cooker boil with water 1200cc, and cook with small part of onion,green onion,ginger, garlic and the spice pouch. Boil until 100 degree celsius. Put michiu(rice alcohol) and then beef to cook for another 1 min. Take the beef out and get ready to put beef into the other fry pot later. 一个炒锅准备炒另一部份的洋葱,葱,姜及蒜.
The stir-fry pot, put oil to fry remaining onion, green onion, ginger, garlic and well stir them. 炒香後,续放番茄拌炒,然後下辣豆瓣酱,蠔油再炒.然後把从压力锅捞出的牛肉,放入炒锅续拌炒至所有牛肉都有豆瓣酱,蠔油.然後就可把炒锅裏的东西全放入压力锅.大火煮20min. 不是用压力锅的人(我试用了Le Creuset),得小火煮个半小时. 重点是续闷待冷却,就进冰箱浸到隔天再煮一遍同样的时间才吃.但煮之前记得把表面的牛油捞掉. 这时油冻在最上层很容易捞掉. 不吃牛油又健康也少热量又不油腻,香味也不减.如果要请客,我还会捞掉烂葱绿还有番茄皮的部份,这样比较好看又精致的感觉.
Then stir into tomato, and spicy dou-ban-chan, oyster sauce. Then fry-stir beef drained from the pressure cooker. Everything well stirred, then pour all the materials into the pressure cooker. Pressure cooker, I cooked by 20 min. Wait the soup is cooled down, send the cooker into the frig to sink for another one day. (Or if you use Le Creuset instead of pressure cooker, bigger flame till well boiled, then low flame for another 30min, wait the soup cooling down and send them into the frig for another day) 吃前热好汤. 另锅煮青江菜. 再另一锅煮面条.相片中的冷冻日本乌龙面牌子不要买,因为口感较烂较差.我後来都是用日本的赞歧乌龙面,也是冷冻的.但不容易烂,也不容易糊掉.反正面条青菜就各自发挥. 最後拿一面碗,捞入煮好的面条,青菜,牛肉汤就成了.
In the other day, drain the beef oil from the top of the soup away as the oil should be freezed like jelly. Cook the same time the soup again. Boil the noodle and vegetable separately. Put the soup, noodle and green vegetable together in a bowl and serve. You can drain the green onion and tomato peel away to make the soup nicer and more clearly before you serve. 重点是刚开始试煮时,当天用压力锅煮个半小时,闷个两小时,就同一天享用了. 一锅可以给两人吃个三餐. 但那时都觉得好像隔天吃都比前一天好吃也没想到什麼原因. 後来有一天看到中天的“冰冰好料理”,老师教煮卤牛肉,说不用太多酱油,但牛肉要在卤包汤汁裏放进冰箱浸到隔天就很香又入味. 这才知道为什麼牛肉汤第二天比较好吃. 所以现在都是一开始用压力锅煮个20min,等放凉,进冰箱等隔天要吃前再煮一遍. 番茄在这时差不多都化掉,牛肉也够软嫩. 如果买到的肉是筋多一点的, 肉就会更Q. 把油捞掉了,吃起来也安心一点. 还有因为自己煮,喜欢吃那一味就加多一点,像辣豆瓣酱或不辣的豆瓣酱,或番茄可再多一个或加辣椒..等. 记得我们就不用再加盐巴或其他调味料了.
You can add more spicy dou-ban-chan or even chili if you like hot food better. Or you can add one more tomato if you like the taste better. Adjust the flavor as you know what you like most.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 19:10

One kind of Recipe: Tomato fried beef noodle soup.
Ingredients, to serve 6 bowls of beef soup

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 19:10

白菜 生意兴隆
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