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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 18:46



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 02:35

The Rise of Central Region involves 6 provinces: Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Shanxi. These 6 provinces enjoy rich mineral resources, and they are the energy base and raw material base for our country. They are an important center of research & development and ecation with profound culture and excellent talents. However, despite all these comprehensive advantages, the development of the Central Region has not been very satisfying.

The prosperity of tourism instry at the right time is an inevitable trend as a result of the alternation and adjustment of instrial structure. Tourism instry is an important part of the tertiary instry and it is one of most fast-growing emerging instries in the world as is accredited as a "sunrise instry".

The Central Region of our country is the core of the multi-culture of Chinese nations. To push the strategy of the Rise of Central Region at the right time is a necessity driven by the overall interests of China. The 6 provinces of the Central Region situate at a critical geographical location which connects the West and East Regions of China, with a long historical culture and numerous places of interests, which is a unique advantage to develop tourism instry.
The characteristic of tourism instry itself makes it an important part of the Rise of Central Region.

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