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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 07:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 13:24

2006 Aprils 25s- The limited company of the aviation instry(group) in Harbin 232 airplane Lius pack the factory airplane rivet joint of the EC120 work segment a benchwork a worker now

Train:Once had the limited company of the aviation instry(group) of 3 years at Harbin 232 airplane Lius to pack the career of factory practice before work.Once at Y-124 machines fixed wing airplane work, the work position was an aero son wing.Still have the motive delta wing the airplane, the work position is an aero delta wing.Once at the limited company of the aviation instry(group) in Harbin 215 factory skills added a car a work grow half year the work grew a benchwork and mainly fixed the R of Cuo spare parts
Certificate:Airplane rivet joint benchwork(medium)
Work: 2006 Aprils 25s- The limited company of the aviation instry(group) in Harbin 232 airplane Lius pack the factory airplane rivet joint of the EC120 work segment a benchwork now the worker got in the technical ability investigate in May, 2007 the 1st

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 13:25

Training: Before the work,worked 3 years at the Harbin Aviation Instry Inc. the experience.
Once in the Y-12 4 molding machines fixed-winged aircraft work, the working position was the airplane sub- wing. Also has the power delta-winged aeroplane, the working position is the airplane 三角翼. Once (group) the limited company 215 factories techniques put on extra cars worked the long half year kind of work in a factory fitter when the Harbin aviation instry, mainly repaired frustrates the components the R certificate: The airplane riveted joint fitter (intermediate) works: 20,064 months on 25th - now Harbin aviation instry (group) the limited company 232 airplanes riveting installed the factory EC120 construction section airplane riveted joint fitter worker in May, 2007 to obtain 1st in the skill inspection

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 13:24

2006 Aprils 25s- The limited company of the aviation instry(group) in Harbin 232 airplane Lius pack the factory airplane rivet joint of the EC120 work segment a benchwork a worker now

Train:Once had the limited company of the aviation instry(group) of 3 years at Harbin 232 airplane Lius to pack the career of factory practice before work.Once at Y-124 machines fixed wing airplane work, the work position was an aero son wing.Still have the motive delta wing the airplane, the work position is an aero delta wing.Once at the limited company of the aviation instry(group) in Harbin 215 factory skills added a car a work grow half year the work grew a benchwork and mainly fixed the R of Cuo spare parts
Certificate:Airplane rivet joint benchwork(medium)
Work: 2006 Aprils 25s- The limited company of the aviation instry(group) in Harbin 232 airplane Lius pack the factory airplane rivet joint of the EC120 work segment a benchwork now the worker got in the technical ability investigate in May, 2007 the 1st

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 13:25

Training: Before the work,worked 3 years at the Harbin Aviation Instry Inc. the experience.
Once in the Y-12 4 molding machines fixed-winged aircraft work, the working position was the airplane sub- wing. Also has the power delta-winged aeroplane, the working position is the airplane 三角翼. Once (group) the limited company 215 factories techniques put on extra cars worked the long half year kind of work in a factory fitter when the Harbin aviation instry, mainly repaired frustrates the components the R certificate: The airplane riveted joint fitter (intermediate) works: 20,064 months on 25th - now Harbin aviation instry (group) the limited company 232 airplanes riveting installed the factory EC120 construction section airplane riveted joint fitter worker in May, 2007 to obtain 1st in the skill inspection
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