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有谁知道Standfast 的歌《Shine on》 的歌词?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-01 13:03



热心网友 时间:2024-03-04 06:30

I was lost in darkness and sinking sand
Well I was barely nothing, a broken man
But you picked up the pieces of my heart in your hand
Then you came and showed to me love's second chance

Shine on, shine on, shine on me
Whenever something's missing
You're exactly what I need
Your love has shown me the light and now I finally see
So shine on, shine on, shine on me, yeah

Lord knows that I'm not perfect but I sure do try
And I see the man that I can be in your eyes
Well there are times I still get lost in yesterday
But you put the past behind me and you light my way

(Repeat Chorus)

Shine on (let your love shine)
Shine on (on me)
Shine all your love on me, yeah
(Your love on me)
Shine all your love on me, yeah

(Repeat Chorus)

Shine on, shine on, shine on me
Won't you keep on shining, yeah
Won't you keep on shining your love
Down on me, baby
Won`t you keep on shining, yeah
Won`t you keep on shining your love
Yeah, you're exactly what I need, baby
Yeah, you are

热心网友 时间:2024-03-04 06:28

Shine On

I've given every moment I had
Still I can never seem to keep up with you
You're done with one mile
And on to another one thousand
Still I could never seem to keep up with you
I know you'll be better off without me when I'm gone
You know you're
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
Shine on
You were made to
Shine on
And you know I love you
Even if we can or can't be friends
I'll be with you till the very end, so
Shine on
You were made to
It's keeping me awake everynight
But I can never seem to give up on you
I send up a prayer then I'm on to another one thousand
But I can never seem to give up on you
I know you'll be better off without me when I'm gone
You know you're
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
Shine on
You were made to
Shine on
And you know I love you
Even if we can or can't be friends
I'll be with you till the very end, so
Shine on
Nobody's wrong
Nobody's right
Keep moving on
Shine on
You were made to
Shine on
Shine on
You were made to
Shine on
And you know I love you
Even if we can or can't be friends
You're gonna be better than you've ever been, so
Shine on
You're gonna be just fine
Uh, you're gonna be alright love
You're gonna be just fine
Uh, you're gonna be alright love

热心网友 时间:2024-03-04 06:29

Shine On

If we\'re to be the light
That shines for all of man
Then how can we light the way
If we don\'t go to them
I believe to know God\'s heart
Is to meet them where they are

Won\'t you shine on
Won\'t you shine on
You can shine on
Shine on

In all that\'s said and done
And everything you do
Just let your life glorify
The one who shines on you
I believe we worship Christ
When we show the world His light

Won\'t you shine on
Won\'t you shine on
You can shine on
Shine on

Shine on
Shine on

Won\'t you shine on
Won\'t you shine on
You can shine on
Shine on

Won\'t you shine on
Won\'t you shine on
You can shine on
Shine on
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