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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 04:04



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 04:49

An explosion recently in New York News wealthy elite preparatory schools began to spread Serena Van Der Woodsen is necessary to return to the city came. The source of this news is a panacea, but the super-mysterious "Gossip Girl" in Blog - do not know why, this "girl" on the rich kids are well aware of every move. No one knows this "Gossip Girl" true identity, but the rich kids in this complex relationship between circles, everyone is dependent on her cell phone to send text messages or online message to get first-hand exclusive information. Even Serena's closest friend Blair for Serena suddenly ended in a boarding school "self-imposed exile" Life returned to Manhattan and was surprised.

Upper East Side was once the most notorious party girl Serenas's back remains a mystery, with Serena's brother Eric about do? And Serena's brother Eric, Blair's boyfriend Nate and Nate's buddy Chuck the most relevant iron do? No matter what the reasons for things, Blair and Serena friendship between the shock has also been an unprecedented, and even broke out the contradictions between them. When Serena left the Upper East Side, Blair enjoy the spotlight of glory, never thought of himself but also living in Serena's shadow. Now Serena is back, with the will quietly change.

In the middle-class families in the Dan and his sister Jenny still can not fit into the Fu Jiazi formed by a small group of high society, can only be wandering in the "edge of the world." Dan and Serena because of the close relationship between the arrival of Dan's friend Vanessa subtle changes which have taken place, Vanessa has been trying to bring back memories of Dan, but it stirred up the friction between Dan and Serena.

This is full of false friendship, jealousy, confusion and complexity of the lives of a small group of rich kids is not so simple, really who is the "Gossip Girl" mean, Oh, to follow up Jiemi PLX a bar. 在新一季最新一集,汉普顿的夏天,最受欢迎的学生忍受着汉普顿的酷暑。旅行途中,布莱尔新结识了一位帅哥以令查克嫉妒,内特则卷入一段极为暧昧的感情中,而瑟维娜对曾经和丹的感情产生了困惑。同时,小城的另一边,丹在当地图书馆找到一份工作。但事情总是出人意料……
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