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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 02:21



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:17

握手shake hands 犯错误make mistakes
与……交谈 talk with sb 与……初次见面meet sb. for the fist time
顺便(偶然)拜访某地 drop by 约定时间做……,约会make an appoitment to do
习惯于某事/做某事 be/get used to doing sth 敬茶serve tea for
准时(区别be in time 及时)on time 花时间何某人呆在一起spend some time with sb
毕竟 after all 变得厌get bored
计划/打算做某事be going to do sth 钟表之邦the country of watches
能应付自如地(做)feel free to do sth 邀请某人做……invite sb to do
正如你所能想象 as you can see 捡起;拾起pick up
应该做某事be supposed to do 把……插进……put into
与……不同 be different from 指向point to
切碎;切开cut off 很开心be glad
做……是粗鲁的(表现)it's rude to do 餐桌礼仪table manners
特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事 get on one's way to do 起初at first
使某人感到宾至如归 make sb feel at home 发现做……是困难的find it different to do
不应该做某事shouldn't do it 不再no longer
发出令人不愉快的声音make unpleasant noises 以……开始begin with
为……而感谢thanks for 节约时间save time
敬酒 toast for 把……和……组合在一起combine A and B
赞扬 phraise sb 做鬼脸make faces
自学learn by oneself 用手机给……发短信send message to sb by phone

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:17

握手。 shake hands 或 clasp hands
shake hands 单纯就指握手,搹 clasp hands 指热情地握手,深情地握手
犯错误。make(commit) a mistake commit a blunder error be in error
make a mistake指犯错误 commit a blunder指铸成大错 error指错误,过失。be in error指弄错了。
与⋯⋯交谈。take with the world.
与⋯⋯初次见面。to meet with the world's first
顺便(偶然)拜访某地。by the way(by chance)to visit a place
约定时间做⋯⋯,约会。fix a time for cause. 约会 aapointment engagement date
习惯于某事。get used to sth 做某事to do sth
敬茶serve tea
准时punctual on time on schele
punctual指严守时刻的,准时的,正点的。on time指按时,准时,以分期付款方式,正点,顺时。
on schele指按时间表,准时,如期,正点,按计划。
花时间和某人呆在一起。spend time with sb to stay together。
毕竟。after all
变得厌烦。be tired of
计划做某事。plan to do sth
钟表之邦。the clock of the state



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:18

shake hands make mistakes
talk with first meet
drop in on sp make an appointment with sb
be / get used to doing sth propose a tea
on time spend 时间 with sb
after all get/be tired of sth
plan to do sth 不知道
make it invite sb to do
as you can imagine pick up
should do sth stick ……into ……
be different from point at
cut off enjoy oneself
be rude to do table manners
go out of ones way to do sth at first
make sb. feel at home find it‘s difficult to do sth
shouldn't do not any more/no longer
make a noise begin with
thanks for save time
propose a toast combine …with …
speak highly of sb make face
learn sth by oneself send messages to …

我按顺序打的 你按顺序翻 望采纳 谢谢

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:18

"握手 "的翻译结果为:"Handshake"
"犯错误\r "的翻译结果为:"Error"
"与……交谈\r "的翻译结果为:"And......Conversation"
"与……初次见面 "的翻译结果为:"And......The first meeting"
"顺便(偶然)拜访某地 "的翻译结果为:"By the way (by chance) visit a place"
" 约定时间做……,约会 "的翻译结果为:"The agreed time......Appointments"
" 习惯于某事/做某事 "的翻译结果为:"Get used to sth. \/ doing sth."
" 敬茶 "的翻译结果为:"Serve tea"
" 准时(区别be in time 及时) "的翻译结果为:"On time (difference between be in time time)"
" 花时间何某人呆在一起 "的翻译结果为:"Take the time to stay with sb."
" 毕竟 "的翻译结果为:"After all"
" 变的厌烦 "的翻译结果为:"Becomes so boring"
" 计划做某事 plan to do sth。 "的翻译结果为:"Plan to do sth. plan to do sth."
" 计划/打算做某事 钟表之邦 "的翻译结果为:"Plan \/ intend to do sth. watch state"
" 能应付自如地(做) "的翻译结果为:"Can handle a situation with ease to (do)"
" 邀请某人做…… "的翻译结果为:"Invite sb to do......"
" 正如你所能想象 "的翻译结果为:"As you can imagine"
"捡起;拾起 "的翻译结果为:"Pick up pick up;"
" 应该做某事 "的翻译结果为:"Be supposed to do sth"
" 把……插进…… "的翻译结果为:"The......Insert into......"
" 与……不同 "的翻译结果为:"And......Different"
" 指向 "的翻译结果为:"Point to"
" 切碎;切开 "的翻译结果为:"Chopped; incision"
" 很开心 "的翻译结果为:"Very happy"
" 做……是粗鲁的(表现) "的翻译结果为:"Do......Rude (performance)"
" 餐桌礼仪 "的翻译结果为:"Table manners"
" 特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事 "的翻译结果为:"Specially (trouble) in doing sth."
" 起初 "的翻译结果为:"At first"
" 使某人感到宾至如归 "的翻译结果为:"Make sb feel guests feel at home."
" 发现做……是困难的 "的翻译结果为:"Find......It is difficult to"
" 不应该做某事 "的翻译结果为:"Should not have done sth"
" 不再 "的翻译结果为:"No longer"
" 发出令人不愉快的声音 "的翻译结果为:"Emit unpleasant sound"
" 以……开始 "的翻译结果为:"In order to......Start"
" 为……而感谢 "的翻译结果为:"For......Thank"
" 节约时间 "的翻译结果为:"Save time"
" 敬酒 "的翻译结果为:"Propose a toast"
" 把……和……组合在一起 "的翻译结果为:"The......And......Combined together."
" 赞扬 "的翻译结果为:"Praise"
" 做鬼脸 "的翻译结果为:"Make a face"
" 自学 "的翻译结果为:"Self-taught"
" 用手机给……发短信 "的翻译结果为:"Using your mobile phone......Send text messages"

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:19

shake hands make mistakes
communicate with have a first meet with sb
drop in at somewhere make an appointment to do
get/be used to doing sth serve tea
on time spend sometime with sb
after all become bored
plan to do sth
do sth at ease invite sb to do sth
as you can image pick up
be supposed to do sth insert sth into sth
be different from point at
cut up enjoyable
It is rude of sb to do sth table manners
do sth in particular at first
make sb feel at home find it difficult to do sth
ought not to do sth not any more
begin with
be grateful for save time
serve tea combine sth with sth
praise make a face
learn by oneself send a message to ...by mobile phone
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