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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 02:21



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:17

A man on horseback, female general. Get up in the morning, the groom's family sedan from the start, the groom 's lead down to the bride's family. The wedding of the lineup they vary, generally have drumming, flag, gongs, umbrella, cover, the bridal avoid licensing, staff in addition to the groom and the matchmaker, bridesmaid, sister-in-law and " staff ". To the bride's family, the bridegroom came knocking at the door ( door fine Abridged ), went into the room with parents to welcome you. The bride get slicked up finished, covered with red hijab, came to the hall and the elderships of salute, finally dying parents on litter ( go program and it slightly ), teams to the groom's family (and the first to leave ).
Home to the groom, firecracker salvo, groom to shoot arrows at the bridal sedan chair, and then press the lever, by the matchmaker or sister-in-law with bride of the. Bride of the feet don't touch the ground after, standing to spread good red carpets or sack, a pass and the red makeup flowers ( some bride holding Aquarius ), then with the groom go. Bride across the saddle, crossed the brazier, came to the world ( World Table table related content slightly ) stand in the master of ceremonies, under the auspices of the worship of heaven and earth. After the first ceremony thrice kneeling and nine times bowing ( detailed process was slightly ), the groom pick red hijab ( ancient this procere is completed in the bridal chamber ), drink Jin wine, give parents tea ( detailed process was slightly ), finally into the bridal chamber. The wedding ceremony and ceremony, the groom out of banquet guests.希望可以帮到你

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:17

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