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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 00:02



热心网友 时间:2023-06-21 13:03

  翻译的本质在于 文化 意义的转换。中英翻译要把原文还原很重要。下面就是我给大家整理的中英翻译 文章 ,希望大家喜欢。

  Nanjing the Beloved City

  南京,她有层出不穷的风流人物,和彪炳千秋的不朽业绩。大都会特有的凝聚力,吸引了无数风云人物、仁人志士在这里角逐争雄,一逞豪彦。从孙权、谢安到洪秀全、孙中山,从祖冲之、葛洪到李时珍、郑和,从刘勰、萧统到曹雪芹、吴敬梓,从王羲之、顾恺之到徐悲鸿、傅抱石,还有陶行知、杨廷宝等等,中国历史上一批杰出的*家、军事家、科学家、文学家、艺术家、 教育 家、建筑家等荟萃于此,在这块钟灵毓秀的土地上一圆他们的辉煌之梦。他们是中华民族的优秀儿女,巍巍钟山、滚滚长江养育了他们,为他们提供了施展抱负的舞台,他们也以自己的雄才大略、聪明智慧为中华民族的灿烂文明增添了流光溢彩的新篇章。

  Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and noblehearts as well as monumental achievements that shone through the ages. Attracted by herspecial appeal, a great number of powerful figures and people actuated by high ideals havestayed in or frequented this metropolis to contend for the lead or to give play to their geniusand virtues. Military commanders such as Sun Quan and Xie An; political leaders such as HongXiuquan and Dr. Sun Yat-sen; scientists like Zu Chong, Ge Hong, Li Shizhen and Zhenghe;men of letters such as Liu Xie, Xiao Tong, Cao Xueqin and Wu Jingzi; artists like Wang Xi, GuKai, Xu Beihong and Fu Baoshi; ecators such as Tao Xing; and architects like YangTingbao—all these renowned historical figures used to settle on this blessed land to have theirsplendid dreams fulfilled. The towering Purple Mountains and billowing Yangtze River nurturedthem and provided them with arenas in which to realize their aspirations. By virtue of theirgenius, vision, and sagacity, these best and brightest sons and daughters of the nation madespectacular contributions to the resplendent Chinese civilization.


  The tremendous changes that have taken place in Nanjing since New China was founded areeven more inspiring, just as the much quoted couplet from a poem written by the lateChairman Mao Zedong on the occasion of the liberation of the city on April 23, 1949 has it:

  The city, a tiger crouching, a dragon curling, outshines its ancient glories;

  In heroic triumph heaven and earth have been overturned.

  Balmy spring winds returned to bring new life to this historic city, of which the common peoplecame to be the genuine masters. The night marish sufferings and humiliations of the past wereleft behind once and for all. The citizens of Nanjing have been working hard to give this age-oldtown a new appearance. Especially for the past ten years or more, the country’s reform andopening-up policy has infused new vigor into this beautiful and famous city. Newly builtinstries, an efficient transportation network extending in all directions, picturesque urbanconstruction, a booming tertiary instry, a varied and colorful cultural life, all these and moreadded charm and vitality to this modern metropolis, which retains somehow the ambiance andfeatures of an ancient capital. The prophecy of Dr. Sun Yat-sen father of modern China that“Nanjing will have a future that knows no bounds” is becoming true.


  Nanjing, an old city with a rich and celebrated past, yet vigorous in her new youth-how lovelyshe is!
  The Forgetful Song Thrush


  Lan man


  The other day when I went into Riverside Park, I was greeted by the chirrup of a song thrushfrom a grove. Walking towards the sound I saw the thrush hopping about in a flower bed. Ilooked carefully trying to spot a tiny piece of string that should have been fastened to its leg,but in vain. Ah, it must have escaped from its cage. It was a free bird! One moment it jumpedonto a rose spray and sang with its head high, the next it plunged into the grass and looked atme with its tail waving up and down. Its proud and self-satisfied manner was really enchanting.


  Not far from the bird on the grass was a bird cage. It was made of painted bamboo strips andlooked neat and clean. On top of the cage stood a big gleaming metal hook. From the cage-door hung a fiery red tassel, which added to the magnificence of the cage. As birdhouses go,this was certainly a luxurious residence.


  An old man was dozing under a nearby hibiscus tree. He seemed to be the owner of the cage.Hearing my approaching steps he opened his eyes. I began the dialogue.


  "Hello. You bird has got out."


  "Yeah. Let it go for a stroll."


  "Aren't you afraid it might fly away?"


  The old man cast a glance at me and gave an uncaring smile. "Fly away? But why should it? Itcan't leave the food bowl."


  Examining the bowl carefully, I found nothing special about it. It was no more than a small finechina bowl with a plum design on the side. The bird food in it was some yellow grains whichgave off the refreshing smell of wild grass. I thought it must be a mixture of soaked millet andthe yolk of boiled eggs, perhaps with some condiments added to it. There was nothing specialabout it.


  I told the old man what was on my mind, but he just shook his head and smiled at me withoutsaying a word. I knew better than to keep on inquiring, for each has his own tricks in raisingbirds and such secrets must never be given away.

  这里我瞧见那只自由的鸟儿,从从容容地走进了笼门儿。啪的一声,老人随后把笼门关上。画眉得意洋洋,立在食罐上正啄食那黄澄澄的颗粒。我走出公园想着,那食罐里放了什么样的“*”,竟使一只美丽的画眉,只会 唱歌 而忘却了自己的一双翅膀?!

  Just at that moment I saw the carefree bird walk into the cage at a leisurely pace. Seeing thathis bird was re-encaged, the old man slid down the cage-door with a click. Standing on the rimof the bowl complacently, the thrush had already begun to peck at its food. As I left the park, Iturned over in my mind a recurring question—what was the magic in the food that had madethis beautiful bird sing so happily but forget about its wings?
  A Singer Who Always Wins


  Wang Meng


  Once a singer finished her performance without receiving any applause from the audience.Afterwards she remarked at a meeting, “What does applause mean? Is it beauty, art, or gold?How much is it worth after all? Once one gets some applause, one’s head will swell. And onewill be treated like a star, given free plane trips and invited to have one’s voice recordedeverywhere. It’s ridiculous! It is nothing but corruption of the mind! Believe it or not, if I hadswayed my hips and sung obscene songs, I would’ve got more applause than the stars.”


  Then the singer came up with a suggestion that the audience should be investigated, analysed,and classified in order to prove their applause being worthless or even worse for its negativeeffects.


  Later, she gave another performance which won thunderous applause from the audience. Shespoke at another meeting, “Songs are to be appreciated by the audience. What’s the use ofsongs with good content and nice melody if no one likes them? The audience is the best judgewho knows how to strike a balance in the heart. Without the masses’ appreciation, one willonly be serving the few instead of many. And one will be taking the wrong direction by keepingaloof from the masses and inlging in self-admiration. What I heard from the audience wasnot only warm applause, but the beatings of their warm hearts!”


  Some time later, members of the musical circles held a symposium and suggested that anunhealthy tendency should be stopped in singing performances, that appreciation levels beraised and good taste be cultivated. The singer then cited her first performance that haddrawn no applause from the audience and claimed,


  “See, I dared it! The unhealthy tendency! I dared it indeed!”


  After a period of time, there was another symposium among the musical circles. This time it wasproposed that more popular songs be composed and sung. And the singer took her secondperformance as an example to prove her claim,


  “See, I did it! The popular songs! I did it indeed!”
前几天在楼下吃饭,店家推荐使用淘气购支付,听说可以用豆豆换东西。会... 绵阳淘气购科技有限公司怎么样? 四川省淘气购商贸有限公司怎么样? 盐酸洛美沙星分散片的作用 盐酸洛美沙星颗粒的剂量如何根据不同感染情况调整? 盐酸洛美沙星颗粒的化学名是什么? 盐酸洛美沙星胶囊功效 洛美沙星盐酸洛美沙星 洛美沙星的功效与作用 盐酸洛美沙星颗粒能治疗哪些类型的感染? 减肥的小妙招有哪些 小学五年级上册英语全品作业本 日常减肥小妙招有哪些? 求翻译一篇给美国寄宿家庭的信 快速减肥方法小妙招 有哪些呢? 减肥的小方法 老师要我们写2篇英语作文现在时间快到了我马上就要了麻烦快点帮我写我初2 要50-60 字的 题目:快乐的暑假 快速减肥方法小窍门 关于简单的小学生英语翻译······· 怎么减肥最快的秘诀 十二个减肥小妙招 减肥有哪些小妙招? 谁知道“欲望上海”(Sex and Shanghai) 的博客的网址? 减肥的方法小窍门有什么啊? 有什么轻松减肥小妙招? 想要减掉赘肉,什么小妙招最好用? 减肥小妙招有那些 减肥小窍门一天减一斤的方法? 减肥的一些小窍门 减肥小妙招 生活中有哪些减肥小妙招? 7个简单减肥小窍门 翻译文字 纯人工翻译的进 多谢 可加分 有没有成功瘦下来的达人可以传授一下减肥小妙招啊? 关于六年级英语问题!!! 各位帮帮忙一个英语短文!!!急! 国产10一14sexohd 10篇初2英语作文 ▇█▇▆200分▄▃▂▁征集英文笑话啦▁▂▃▄200分▅▆▇▇█ 求一些连词 这些帮我翻译成英文好吗 英语短文翻译 (1)这是阅读理解里的东西,数字是问题.字母是答案.求翻译. 注:补充内容的问题就把答案放进问题内一起翻译. 搞笑的英语短文 水泥地面起灰如何处理? 水泥地面起粉起灰怎么处理? 水泥地面起灰处理的方法都有什么呢 水泥地起灰怎么办?有没有根治的方法,求解。 水泥地面为什么会起灰 怎么解决水泥地面起灰问题 水泥地面起灰起砂严重怎么办 房间是水泥地面普通装修,因此灰尘多怎么办