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为什么一夜叫one nigh stand而不是one nigh sleep

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 23:36



热心网友 时间:2023-07-09 08:24

我们先来看看 WIKIPEDIA 中对 one-night stand 的解释:

A one-night stand is a single sexual encounter between indivials, where at least one of the parties has no immediate intention or expectation of establishing a longer-term sexual or romantic relationship.

The indivials participating in a one-night stand typically have not known each other long and have had minimal time to get to know each other before engaging in sexual activity. A one-night sexual encounter is not necessarily always a one-night stand; the crucial distinction is the expectation or intention that the relationship will not necessarily be extended beyond the initial sexual encounter. A one-night stand is differentiated from prostitution, as it takes place without money or any coercion. In Western society, there is often a social stigma associated with one-night stands, reflected in the phrase "walk of shame", wherein a participant in a one-night stand has to go home in the morning wearing clothes that were worn the previous night. As the name implies, the relationship only "stands", or exists, for one night.

“One-night stand”原来指巡回演出中在某地逗留“一夜的演出”,“stand”本意指“停留演出”。随着社会的发展,现常在俚语中用“one-night stand”比喻一夜之“欢”。

热心网友 时间:2023-07-09 08:24

一夜:one night
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