发布时间:2022-05-03 00:22
时间:2022-06-28 17:10
1. 先说年份的表达方法:17xx年,18xx年,19xx年的读法均是“两位两位的读”。比如:1979年读作:nineteen seventy-nine. 2000年以后的年份的读法均是:two thousand and... 比如:2010读作2 thousand and ten。你把2010年一个数字一个数字读,从2000年后刚开始确实有过这样的读法,但现在已经开始采用2 thousand and ....的用法了。当然也有老外这样读,比如2008,他们可能会读成twenty o eight. 只要不影响理解,那也是可以的。你所说的79年,这个年份其实很含糊的,1979还是1879?英语表达年份的时候通常很具体,在理解上下文年代时,你可以把nineteen seventy-nine 翻译成中文79年。
2. 应该是it is good for me。这是一个句型:It is +adj. +for+sb.(+to do sth. )意思是:做某事对某人来说很+形容词。(括号里面可以省去)例句:It is difficult for me (to finish it in two days). 对我来说在两天之内完成那件事实在太难了。
3. 一般的中文名字已成英语时,不用把名字放在姓的前面。比如:高兰,英语名就是Gao Lan. 当翻译的人名是名人时,一般用他们自己特定的英文名代替。比如:成龙,翻译成Jackie Chan 。
英语姓名译成中文时,为了确保准确性,最好加上“·”。比如“Marx Ernest Luig Planck”应该译为马克思·卡尔·埃纳斯特·路德格·普郎克。(想想如果不加点的话,你会很@-@的)
4. 英语当中是没有书名号的,如果表示是书名,要用双引号“”。如果你不加双引号的话,那就把书名的字体改为斜体。比如:《傲慢与偏见》——“Pride and Prejudice”或是斜体字的书名。
5. 两者均可表示“一”的意思,有时可互换。但是也有区别。我在这里写的话会太长了,你自己看一下吧。http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/46937957.html
6. mustn't 的意思是杜绝,禁止。没有不必的意思。不必英语是needn't。
7. 讲一下它们的区别吧:Journey用法最一般,通常用于指陆地上的旅行,距离远、时间长,而且不一定要返回出发地; Voyage通常用于指水上的旅行; journey与voyage是比较正式的用语,trip在非正式情况下可替代两词中任何一个,这往往使人联想到时间短、距离近的旅行,该旅行最后返回到出发地;Travel指一个人到居住地以外的地方所做的短暂旅行,但不一定要呆在那里;Tour指到许多地方观光游览,通常指路线的曲折;jaunt尤指消遣性或娱乐性的短期外出。
8. 下面是一个便条模式:(便条和日记的日期写在正文的左上角)
Monday November 22, 2003
I'll leave by train at 8:00 a.m.tomorrow morning.This is to say good-bye to you.
Chen Mei
9. Mr. 只指男性。在汉语中人们虽然也可以称呼很有学问的女学者为“先生”。但Mr.在英语中没有用Mr代表女士的用法。如果你知道这位老师的职称的话,可以用职称+姓来称呼他/她。比如:Dr. Li. 李博士 Professor. Zhang. 张教授.
10. 70年代,80年代,90年代等的英语表达法是:70s, 80s, 90s....(年代后边加s)
你说的the third years 指的是第三年。
11. the people there are good 正确。意思是:那里的人很好。例句:the people in that town are very good. 那个镇上的人很好。
12. 严格意义上说回答应该加上介词for。但口语中没那么严格,也可以直接回答party.
13. 5:20, May 5th 正确。介词用at,因为5:20是具体时间点。
14. crawl,creep,climb 三个都有爬行的意思。
15. 一般都是空4个字母的位置。
16. 不是所有的首字母都大写,只有实词单词首字母大写,其他不大写。
17. 这两个没什么区别了,只是问的前后问题不一样。
18. look after it 正确。这样的很多啊,比如look at it, think about it, think over it. go through it. ..
19. but 前不一定给要加逗号,但是当but 引导两个分句时,是要加逗号的。比如:I am thirsty, but there's nothing in the fridge. Because 前面的逗号是可加可不加的,不影响句意。
20. 一个单词中喊有几个元音字母,我们就把它叫做几音节单词<要注意以下三点:1.结尾的不发音字母,如e就不能算音节,像name就是单音节单词;2.两个元音字母在一起算一个,如see/teach等就是单音节单词;3.辅音字母l、m、n和其前面的另外一个辅音字母(r除外)可以构成一个音节,如little/bottle/double等。你如果在掌握这三点之后,就可以大胆的使用数元音字母的个数来判断音节了。> (看过这个你就会看形容词是单音节还是双音节,还是多音节了)
【例】 clever cleverer cleverest narrow narrower narrowest able abler ablest
easy easier easiest
careful more careful most careful difficult more difficult most difficult
delicious more delicious most delicious
不规则变化 -原级 比较级 最高级
good/well better best
bad worse worst
many/much more most
little less least
far farther/further farthest/furthest
时间:2022-06-28 17:11
A Negotiation Expert's Answer:
There are many reasons why negotiation fails. Many factors influence a negotiation process and all of them need to be identified and considered. One useful and simple way would be to divide negotiation into two poles. At one pole consider interpersonal skills, personal attitude and approach to negotiation while on the other there should be an understanding of the negotiation process and strategies. There are many training courses that are available in the market created to hone interpersonal skills. The danger to the unknowing student of neglecting negotiation process and strategy can be severe. Many still consider that a successful negotiation process comprises of merely relying upon on an indivials communication and persuasive skills, or the ability to hold the reins of a meeting.
Apart from personal performance, if certain other elements are kept in mind ring a negotiation process, success will be more assured. A second important principal element is that of preparation - no matter how good a speaker you are, a complex process like negotiation requires solid backup in the form of facts, credible information and an appropriate strategy. All the above aspects affect negotiation, the outcome of which depends on how seriously you are taking the whole process.
A third area to consider that leads to inefficient negotiations is the effort of certain negotiators to control the final outcome of the meeting and the decisions and actions of the party they are negotiating with. To succeed in negotiation, focus on the areas that you can control - your actions, decisions and emotions. A clear vision of your goals, the discipline to back your strategy and the subsequent right decisions that flow from this will definitely make you a better negotiator. This is where preparation also comes into play. To make wise and firm decisions you need to have an appreciation for the parameters and context, your real limitations and your BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement).
Fourthly, to become an effective negotiator and to hone your skills you really do need practice. Negotiation is an applied rather than a theoretical science. So just as you would not expect to transform your abilities through the mere reading of books on golf and horse riding, dont expect similar results from reading negotiation books alone.
So what steps should you consider? In the beginning, we would recommend that you enrol in a negotiation training course that includes many applied exercises and case studies. Ensure too that the course includes a thorough evaluation of your knowledge and skills. Treat this as an investment that will ultimately lead you to greater profits. Contrast for yourself the cost of making mistakes in the safe confines of a training course with the losses associate with client/supplier/colleague negotiations.
How best to entrench your negotiation skills so that they become as you've succinct you put it: "daily practice"? Try to systematically employ your negotiation skills and processes in everyday life and not just in business situations. Alongside training courses, there are certain complimentary tools, which can provide you with invaluable insights into your own or your teams personal advantages and disadvantages - many of which you may not be aware of. One of these is Herrmanns Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) that can help you discover and develop your preferences and skills. HBDI was created to identify areas of activity where you perform more efficiently as opposed to others. In the end, we would like you to consider how best to balance your interpersonal skills with your engagement and awareness of the negotiation process itself. This will make you feel more self-confident at the negotiation table.追问这是什么呀?
时间:2022-06-28 17:11
Long rice 长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个小时
Pudding rice_or_short rice 短米,较软
Brown rice 糙米 Thai Fragrant rice 泰国香米
Glutinous rice 糯米 Strong flour 高筋面粉
Plain flour 中筋面粉 Self- raising flour 低筋面粉
Whole meal flour 小麦面粉 Brown sugar 砂糖(泡奶茶、咖啡适用)
dark Brown Sugar 红糖(感冒时可煮姜汤时用)
Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用于做糕点)
Icing Sugar 糖粉 Rock Sugar 冰糖
Noodles 面条 Instant noodles 方便面
Soy sauce 酱油,(分生抽浅色及老抽深色两种) Vinger 醋
时间:2022-06-28 17:12
2. It is good for me to do sth. 做某事对我有好处 例如:It is good for me to wash hands before a meal. 饭前洗手对我有好处。It is good to me= It is kind/ friendly to me. 对我友好或者善意。