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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-01 04:56



热心网友 时间:2024-07-27 02:10



  In the annual Mid-Autumn festival, my family and I had a special Mid-Autumn festival.

  The up late that morning, the whole family, to the activities of the evening, and be prepared. After a series of preparation, we will carry the thing, came to my aunt's house, prepare the activities in the evening.

  Finally in the evening, my parents and I together, snacks, drinks the tea table and chairs have moved out. Here I want to say, you should understand that we are going to do? Yes, is the moon! Soon, we will prepare goods are well organized, and then pulled my brother and aunt, out to enjoy the moon together.

  The moon came out, and round the moon is high hung in the sky, sending out the charming brilliance. Unlike sun during the day, if the sun during the day with a kind old man, so at night the moon is a quiet girl, in the evening the set off of unique mysterious breath, looks very beautiful. Month lang star dilute at this moment, sparkling stars of the night sky is now only the former days the moon alone in between heaven and earth blooming belong to her alone. Silence all round, as if all the things will own a sky to the clear moonlight. The scene, let I can't help thinking written by su shi "to" at the "when the moon has, wine ask blue sky. I don't know in the imperial palace in the sky, what day is what year."

  Although the Mid-Autumn festival has passed, when I look to the moon, that heart always recall at that time. This is really an unforgettable Mid-Autumn festival!







  The Mid-Autumn festival is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation, I like the delicious moon cakes, but I prefer that hung on the round moon in the sky.

  The Mid-Autumn festival, our family after dinner, with moon cakes, downstairs to lots of side and enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes.

  I picked up the fruit knife, cut the moon cake into eight pieces, dad picked up a piece of first hands on. I looked at the moon cakes in the egg yolks, how like the that a bright moon in the sky. I looked up and looked at the moon, the moon and sometimes hiding behind the clouds, or standing in front of us, the moon, how like a naughty child! Not for a while, the moon is no longer naughty. The moon, when it seemed to become a magician, and the sky became a big stage, a wave of the moon, the stars are all in a blink, and the moon to a wave of his hand, the stars in the sky will not blink... I myself looking at the moon, I like to see the moon sister is talking with an astronaut on the moon uncle play, the moon and the sky satellite chat; Lanterns on the moon, a variety of items and everything... At this time, I can't help thinking "to" : the poet su shi wrote sensitized, month, waxing, rain or shine all the ancient hard.

  Although the Mid-Autumn festival has us, but I am a to the bright moon, it will be reminded of wonderful memories.






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