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After Hours (Live @ Max'S Kansas City In Nyc Summer 1970) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-01 20:16



热心网友 时间:2024-05-09 05:54

歌曲名:After Hours (Live @ Max'S Kansas City In Nyc Summer 1970)
歌手:The Velvet Underground
专辑:Live At Max'S Kansas City

We Are Scientists -- After Hours
BY Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul
This door is always open,
This door is always open,
No one has the guts to shut us out.
But if we have to go now,
I guess there's always hope that,
Some place will be serving after hours.
This night is winding down but
Time means nothing,
As always at this hour
Time means nothing,
One final final round cos
Time means nothing,
Say that you'll stay
Say that you'll stay
We're finally drunk enough that,
We're finally soaking up,
The hours that everyone else throws away.
And if we have to go now,
I guess there's always hope,
Tomorrow night will be more of the same.
This night is winding down but
Time means nothing,
As always at this hour
Time means nothing,
One final final round cos
Time means nothing,
Say that you'll stay
Say that you'll stay
Say that you'll stay.
We're all right where we're supposed to be,
We're all right where we're supposed to be,
We're all right where we're supposed to be,
(Time means nothing)
We're all right where we're supposed to be,
(Time means nothing)
This door is always open,
This door is always open,
No one has the guts to shut us out.
No one has the guts to shut us out.
Time means nothing,
Time means nothing,
One final final round cos
Time means nothing,
Say that you'll stay
Say that you'll stay
Say that you'll stay.

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