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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 23:27



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 08:16

From a starving college student to a kitchen connoisseur: not only is pasta the most affordable meal option, but it's also the easiest to master and tasty in all of its forms. You can whip it up when you're craving a homemade meal, and even host a pasta dinner for a few friends. Follow these steps, cook it 2 or 3 times, and you, too, can call it your specialty.
1. Choose which pasta you want to cook. Try to pick one that well suits the sauce. It's best to take the pasta that is a brand of Italy and is made of 100% semolina.
2. Get a good sized pot depending on how much pasta you are cooking. Make sure it is big enough so the water doesn't spill when it's boiling.
3. Fill the pot up with water.
4. Turn the knob on the stove to high.
5. When the water starts bubbling up at the surface (the technical term for this is "boiling"), add up to a handful of salt anywhere. Most Americans do not add salt, whereas Italians add about a handful.
6. Dump the container of pasta into the pot but only when the water is boiling!!
7. Agitate it slightly with a long serving spoon
8. Keep your eye on it as it continues to boil and stir it just enough to prevent the pasta from sticking to the bottom every 1-2 minutes.
9. When it's been boiling for about 10 minutes (check the package for suggested cooking time), take a piece of the pasta out and taste it.
10. If it's too hard to bite, tastes funny when you bite it, or if you see white in the center it needs to cook a little longer.
11. When it's chewy but firm in the center, it's ready. This is referred to as al dente in Italian.
12. Empty the entire pot of pasta into a colander.
13. Shake out the excess water and then pour back into the pot.
14. Add the remaining tablespoon of vegetable oil. Toss.
15. Cover with your favorite sauce and shake it (inside the hot pot).
16. Serve it!
Pasta Sauce
1. Pour crushed tomato into a tall saucepan.
2. Add salt, sugar, black pepper, Italian seasoning and Oregano.
3. Heat the sauce and let it simmer for approximately 15 minutes.
4. Add pasta sauce to cooked pasta.
5. Sprinkle regular cheese and/or Parmesan cheese on top of the pasta.
6. Add red crushed pepper on it if desired.
1. Use plenty of water. The most common cause of "sticky" pasta is cooking with too little water. Use at least 4 quarts of water for each pound of pasta(4 liters for each one-half kilogram). No oil or other additives are required.
2. Add salt to the water. Salt enhances the pasta's flavor and allows the sauce flavors to "blend" better.
3. Add some of the pasta water to your sauce. If you're making your own sauce, add a bit of the water used to cook the pasta if you need to adjust it's thickness. The dissolved starches will thicken and enrich it's texture. Note that the "right" amount varies according to recipe, batch size and preference.
4. Italians adopt a "leave it alone" or "don't mess with it" policy when cooking pasta. Don't agitate or stir it too much. This goes for the sauce as well.
5. Different pastas cook for varying times. Thin linguine, for example, cooks much faster than rigatoni.
6. For a hotter boil, cover your pot. Just be sure to remove it once you put the pasta in.
7. When your pasta is ready, the outer edges will begin to lighten in color.
8. Some people prefer to rinse their pasta in the colander to wash away the starches. Do not do this! In addition to the sauce adhering better because of the starch, if you rinse it, you will be cooling the pasta before you add the sauce. Instead, drain the pasta, add it back into the pot you cooked it, turn on the heat and add the sauce, stirring until well-mixed and hot. The pasta will be thoroughly coated by the sauce and the pasta will stay hot when you serve it.
9. If you make spaghetti and they are not submerged at beginning, do not break them. Wait 30 seconds and gently use your fork to bend them and submerge them.
10. I'm sure you've heard the old wives tale that if it sticks to the ceiling, it's done cooking. This isn't true. A barely cooked piece of pasta can still stick to your ceiling.(It actually depends on what kind of material your ceiling is made out of).


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 08:16

The Italian
YinLouJiuJian pasta
Subordinate cuisines Italian food bread: a dessert
Tomatoes 3, onion, butter, and half (can't basil), black pepper, salt, sugar, chicken, Italian noodle, mushrooms, ham, peppers
1 in the pot with growing, melt butter, add onion pieces, fire, after a smell Fried tomato butyl stir into.
2 a soup, add salt, basil, black pepper, pure, and a little sugar, fire will stir constantly soup to collect sauce.
3 into water heating in the pot, put some salt water after, click on the packing of Italian bread, and a time of cold boiled water, and control of oil in a mixing, avoid touching sticky.
4 a gently in saucepan. Discard oil, oil, seven points in the hot peppers fry mushroom, ham and, after a fragrance into just Fried tomato sauce and good pasta, stir, stir in the pot was just ok.

From a starving college student to a kitchen connoisseur: not only is pasta the most affordable meal option, but it's also the easiest to master and tasty in all of its forms. You can whip it up when you're craving a homemade meal, and even host a pasta dinner for a few friends. Follow these steps, cook it 2 or 3 times, and you, too, can call it your specialty.
1. Choose which pasta you want to cook. Try to pick one that well suits the sauce. It's best to take the pasta that is a brand of Italy and is made of 100% semolina.
2. Get a good sized pot depending on how much pasta you are cooking. Make sure it is big enough so the water doesn't spill when it's boiling.
3. Fill the pot up with water.
4. Turn the knob on the stove to high.
5. When the water starts bubbling up at the surface (the technical term for this is "boiling"), add up to a handful of salt anywhere. Most Americans do not add salt, whereas Italians add about a handful.
6. Dump the container of pasta into the pot but only when the water is boiling!!
7. Agitate it slightly with a long serving spoon
8. Keep your eye on it as it continues to boil and stir it just enough to prevent the pasta from sticking to the bottom every 1-2 minutes.
9. When it's been boiling for about 10 minutes (check the package for suggested cooking time), take a piece of the pasta out and taste it.
10. If it's too hard to bite, tastes funny when you bite it, or if you see white in the center it needs to cook a little longer.
11. When it's chewy but firm in the center, it's ready. This is referred to as al dente in Italian.
12. Empty the entire pot of pasta into a colander.
13. Shake out the excess water and then pour back into the pot.
14. Add the remaining tablespoon of vegetable oil. Toss.
15. Cover with your favorite sauce and shake it (inside the hot pot).
16. Serve it!
Pasta Sauce
1. Pour crushed tomato into a tall saucepan.
2. Add salt, sugar, black pepper, Italian seasoning and Oregano.
3. Heat the sauce and let it simmer for approximately 15 minutes.
4. Add pasta sauce to cooked pasta.
5. Sprinkle regular cheese and/or Parmesan cheese on top of the pasta.
6. Add red crushed pepper on it if desired.
1. Use plenty of water. The most common cause of "sticky" pasta is cooking with too little water. Use at least 4 quarts of water for each pound of pasta(4 liters for each one-half kilogram). No oil or other additives are required.
2. Add salt to the water. Salt enhances the pasta's flavor and allows the sauce flavors to "blend" better.
3. Add some of the pasta water to your sauce. If you're making your own sauce, add a bit of the water used to cook the pasta if you need to adjust it's thickness. The dissolved starches will thicken and enrich it's texture. Note that the "right" amount varies according to recipe, batch size and preference.
4. Italians adopt a "leave it alone" or "don't mess with it" policy when cooking pasta. Don't agitate or stir it too much. This goes for the sauce as well.
5. Different pastas cook for varying times. Thin linguine, for example, cooks much faster than rigatoni.
6. For a hotter boil, cover your pot. Just be sure to remove it once you put the pasta in.
7. When your pasta is ready, the outer edges will begin to lighten in color.
8. Some people prefer to rinse their pasta in the colander to wash away the starches. Do not do this! In addition to the sauce adhering better because of the starch, if you rinse it, you will be cooling the pasta before you add the sauce. Instead, drain the pasta, add it back into the pot you cooked it, turn on the heat and add the sauce, stirring until well-mixed and hot. The pasta will be thoroughly coated by the sauce and the pasta will stay hot when you serve it.
9. If you make spaghetti and they are not submerged at beginning, do not break them. Wait 30 seconds and gently use your fork to bend them and submerge them.
10. I'm sure you've heard the old wives tale that if it sticks to the ceiling, it's done cooking. This isn't true. A barely cooked piece of pasta can still stick to your ceiling.(It actually depends on what kind of material your ceiling is made out of).


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 08:17

The Italian
YinLouJiuJian pasta
Subordinate cuisines Italian food bread: a dessert
Tomatoes 3, onion, butter, and half (can't basil), black pepper, salt, sugar, chicken, Italian noodle, mushrooms, ham, peppers
1 in the pot with growing, melt butter, add onion pieces, fire, after a smell Fried tomato butyl stir into.
2 a soup, add salt, basil, black pepper, pure, and a little sugar, fire will stir constantly soup to collect sauce.
3 into water heating in the pot, put some salt water after, click on the packing of Italian bread, and a time of cold boiled water, and control of oil in a mixing, avoid touching sticky.
4 a gently in saucepan. Discard oil, oil, seven points in the hot peppers fry mushroom, ham and, after a fragrance into just Fried tomato sauce and good pasta, stir, stir in the pot was just ok.
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