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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-26 14:58



热心网友 时间:2024-01-17 06:48

Writing is one of the best ways for training students to think in English. Attention should be paid to the basis of English, so that students can master basic accidence and syntax. Then they can use English flexibly by simulation training in different scenarios. Meanwhile, teachers should emphasize on cultivating students' habit of thinking in English. They should teach them language perception to be the base of further language using skills. Therefore students could improve other language skills and comprehensive language using ability.

自己翻译的,希望有帮助~ (这段话太有中国特色了……翻译得好累……)

热心网友 时间:2024-01-17 06:48

English writing is one of the best forms of training students to think in English. When teaching, people should pay attention to establishing foundation, make students master basic grammar, and apply flexibly through all kinds of simulation practice. Meanwhile, people should make students raise the habbit of thinking in English, cultivate their ability of language perception, and make a solid foundation for apply language, and improve other language skills and language command.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-17 06:49

English writing is to train students in the form of English is one of the best thinking. Basis to focus in teaching, to equip students with the basic morphology, syntax, and through various scenarios to achieve flexibility in the use of simulation training. Also, pay attention to develop the habit of thinking in English for students to develop their perception of good language ability, to lay the foundation for the further use of language proficiency, and then pull the other language skills and comprehensive language ability.
人大政协辅助岗是什么 政务辅助人员是干什么 政府辅助人员是什么 努比亚的海拔什么意思 北非努比亚现在怎么样了啊 相邻权的相关法律 梦见老公离世了什么预兆 梦见自己老公走掉 你出轨后 怎么操作才没被发现? 评评怎么造句 吃什么治疗阳痿?6 男人吃什么食物可以治疗阳痿?8 吃什么食物可以治疗阳痿2 和微信账号是一样的吗? 中国一汽骏派d60副驾驶室窗开关不了怎么回事 起亚k3进气格栅怎么拆1 1,田径运动的特点及它的教育功能体现在哪些方面?5 得艾滋病人把血弄到排骨里面去,喝了那个汤后会怎么样,牙齿还出血... 腌好的咸肉没有太阳晒能放到冷冻冰箱的吗5 在HTML5中,我写了样式但为什么没有应用到网页里呢?求大神指教。 物业管理费交了说没交怎么办 宝宝爱吃手的原因有哪些? ...限定资产计提的发展基金第二年使用时账目处理怎样做 同价位大约7-8千的耳机和音响哪个音质好点?1 我想买部音乐手机 音质要好 最好有功放的 那种效果 不过机子...1 怎样查一个人的犯罪违法纪录13 为什么百度文库里的文档全被删除了?该怎么办?2 兄弟七八个抱起围缸坐,说声打平伙,衣裳一脱肚子破。(猜食物 老公小弟弟上发小红点是怎么会事13 怎样防止手机被别的登录? 治疗阳痿吃什么比较快2 贵阳中海映山湖周边环境怎么样?生活便利吗? 为什么自己唱歌把握不到音准好难听,怎么办 怎样练唱歌,我的声音条件很好,但不会把握音准,怎么办?我唱歌... 实验室常用的酚酞试剂的溶剂是乙醇吗?5 男.小弟弟上有意味,还有红点 有点痒咋回事 小弟弟上长红点点,是什么情况,求解决3 我的小弟弟上出现了一些红点点,是不是感染了 ...然后就大臂没力了,冷车就很正常,这什么原因 wxid添加不了怎么回事儿? 杭州康森医疗器械有限公司怎么样? 电脑系统镜像备份文件夹在哪里找 存在未上传发票,不允许继续开具发票 广东一女子称自己复活成仙,骗男网友486万元,该女子会受到何种处罚?_百度... 轻飏的寓意好吗 起亚k3后保险杠黑色塑料雾上了白漆怎么处理 为什么说田径运动水平是衡量一个国家体育运动发展水平的重要标志... 骏派D60挂2挡不好挂怎么回事? 内蒙农村村主任要求年龄多少 想经常混进北京大学玩,可是老是被门卫拦着,怎么才能进去,我不...4