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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-25 13:29



热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 17:45


1、food 美食

2、festival 节日

3、Bodybuilding 健身

4、Comparison of marriage concepts between China and the West 中西方婚姻观念比较

5、celebrity 名人

6、rece weight 减肥

7、film 电影

8、True friendship 真正的友谊

9、The difficulties of finding a job after college graation 大学毕业后找工作的困难









热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 17:46


比如”love“(大学生恋爱问题),“special gift”,当下流行的美剧,一部电影,“smile","the strangest job top 10",(ppt每种附上图片效果更佳,可以加一段泰勒的英文歌当背景音乐)……


It's my honor to make a presentation about international company Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Please feel free to interrupt me at any time if you have any questions.

KFC is the most successful brand in China, which has 1900 stores far more than Mcdonald's, which only has 800. While Mcdonald do much better than KFC in the worldwide. So what make this happened? Why KFC can go such smoothly while most international company can't suite Chinese special condition well.

In my opinion, their localized strategy take a big role in KFC' success. Most people in the KFC, from top leader to ordinary sales people in the store in Chinese section are local people. They also purchase local raw material for food. They even seek local partner for their new branch to expand their business. Of course, all of that can't make it excellent. The most important thing is that they pay much attention on local customers need and implement the plan they work out effectively. They have made more than 20 new proct per year to keep fresh felling for customer, which maybe easy for a restaurant, but for the workers from 1900 store make the food looks almost same, I think no one else can do it! They combine the west and east food in the most new proct, some proct in china has never been seen in their mother market American. All they do is to satisfy the changing need of the customer. 

KFC also concern about the health of the customer. The fried chicken, their specialty, used to be very oily before they do i 

t in the toaster. They take customer's need seriously. The people usually order the humbugger, chicken wings ,French fries and a cup of coca cola in the store, even KFC has push their vegetable and fruit proct. But they don't let it go, they spread the health common senses by the paper on the plate. We also can see it from their advertising, they never ask the superstar,like yaoming to do the advertising, they spend the budget on the sport, such as three people basketball, which joined by the child around the store and worker. They can enjoy the game and make friends, the most important, they can keep them fit and ecate customer to do much practice. 

We can learn a lot from the operation of the KFC, not mention the big strategy for the worldwide business, but also the detail procere of daily business. We all know that they have clear regulations on how to cook food and keep it in order the make high quality and same proct. They also have detail regulation on how to clear their hands before they start work and after they go restroom. Because of the detail regulation, they win the customer's trust. So pay much attention on the detail is another secret to be success.

Put our eyes on the excellent, do our best, i think we will become a great company in the future.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 17:46

可以讲的有很多,比如”love“(大学生恋爱问题),“special gift”,当下流行的美剧,一部电影,“smile","the strangest job top 10",(ppt每种附上图片效果更佳,可以加一段泰勒的英文歌当背景音乐)……

热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 17:47

老师对topic没有要求的话 自然是讲一些同辈人时兴的话题
不用担心太偏或者太潮 因为开拓视野也是presentation的一个目的
我们以前口语课做的presentation里 比较出彩的topic有街拍,网购,美剧等等
我讲了个日本概况的介绍 因为几乎没人讲过 所以分拿的挺高
另外做ppt的时候 一定要放上很多图和视频
如果对着大段大段文字的ppt 即使话题很好 同学也提不起兴趣~

热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 17:48

RDL是什么意思 报税软件是什么意思 某公司的财务报表管理软件属于 报表系统指的是什么? 怎么玩真三最好?我是新手选什么英雄最好? 真三新手玩什么英雄好? 最近玩魔兽真三,想请问一下高手,初期用什么英雄最好,新手攻略 新手玩真三选什么英雄好啊 ...离泡还有一段距离的地方好几片红,红的地方又疼又痒的,怎么办... 眼角出了好多小水疱.医生说是疱疹.怎么办 急求大学英语presentation,什么主题都行,在线等 树的年轮每年长大一圈,新的那一圈是从里面长出来,还是从最外面... 注册必须要手机号码吗 汉字:ㄕ的拼音怎么写? 买到了无座的火车票怎么办?128 西游记里面的龟有几只,分别叫什么名字 直升飞机有多重拜托各位大神 为什么访问局域网时总是要求输入密码?32 手机号注册了两个怎么恢复第一个 访问同一个网络里的电脑时需要输入账户密码怎么解决 请问大虾们中国十大PPR水管品牌中金德和同德这两个牌子怎么样...1 红米2A,手机里面自带很多垃圾软件,也可以删除吗?他们说不可以删除的... 一个用钉子杀人的案件,古代的~~ 急!我火车票买错了。我应该买卧铺的。可是买的时候忘说了。买成...1 大学英语 presentation 要原创45 哪本小说的主角用钉子杀人 如何有技巧的记住韩语单词37 轻伤害和重伤害怎么区分7 【高考】老师您好,我是山东考生,我们一本线567,我600分...4 红美人柑橘和柚子栽种在一起会交叉授粉会使红美人柑橘变异吗?_百度... 红米2不是说有北斗定位吗,要怎么开? 申请的辅助微信注销了,能重新注册辅助微信吗? 86版西游记龟丞相的图片,因为不知道是哪一集没办法截图。3 我们所用的电压是220V,请问一个用电器的额定功率是根据什么定的?_百 ... 怎么用热水袋孵化小鸡132 没有了,微信钱包里的钱怎么找回来? 恒分期和分期乐是一家吗? ...FeO和Fe2O3的混合物中加入120mL 4mol/L的稀硝酸, 红米2a手机自己总出一个替换应用程序咋回事 如何在电脑上打出书名号《》? 七星剑~金步摇的txt全集下载地址 ...十大科技成果之一是合成纳米氮化镓.已知镓(Ga)原子结构示意图为... 把王者设置成隐身或者不在线,别人还能看见我在玩游戏么?7 外地面包车可以去北京吗?能去几环?需要办理什么证件,和手续 考研 报名号有什么规律吗1 王者荣耀隐身别人能看见什么时候登陆吗19 太阳雨太阳能热水器不能电加热21 面对UFO 你觉得我们人类应该如何做才会更好 第一次独自一个人出远门工作,烦恼着种种顾虑,有点怕,但非去不可,怎么... 一个能辅助解封几次