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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-18 01:00



热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 20:19

After the rain water baptism, even more has been originally moving on the verdant trees, recently was long tender leaf light green under water drop shining upon, shaky, resembled at the end of the drop drop.Mountain valley track mild Run, the rough stone anode circuit abundant ponding, stepped on in above, makes noise, unexpectedly some Chiangnan alley appeal.In the garden wooden bench has been short sweetheart's laughing heartily, still alone lying down nearby thick patch of grass.In the shrubbery creamy white varnishes the street light, is dodging the spooky light.
The waterfront, a crowd of subdebutante in laughing does laundry.They pieces of rag pasted together to make shoes also colorful, places precious Taichung likely, occasionally settles down shore watching pink clouds.Later on huan will finish, they will also shout three call five places to accompany turn over to.A group is merry, all is teased including after death bamboo pole bamboo pole green bamboo by them the waist not to live the tremor, often flies fast flies several Le Fan bamboo leaves.This is similar to the ripples to proliferate happily, Tian Tianlian the leaf no longer is also slim and graceful, is happy one doubles with laughter.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 20:20

An Interesting Class
Miss Tong, our English teacher, often teaches us in an unusual way, and makes her classes lively and interesting.
Once she taught us an American folk song. Its name is Jingle Bells①. First she wrote the words of the song on the blackboard. Then she explained every sentence in simple English. After that she sang the song in a sweet voice.
We all liked the song and followed her in singing it several times. After we had learned to sing the whole song, Miss Tong asked us to discuss in English what made us happy. We each said what we thought it was: a beautiful flower, an interesting novel, a meaningful job, a moving poem, an exciting trip, and so on. The discussion was so lively that no one kept silent. It helped to improve our spoken English.
When we understood the meaning of the song very well, we sang it again and again:“Dashing② through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh③….”None of us felt bored or tired, and all of us learned something from the song and the discussion. It was really an interesting class.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 20:20

怎么样制作个人简历 上海海事大学对外交流多麽出国会不会容易一些 上海海事大学提前批今年要几号才能出来 怎么查找大学家长群 北京慧学堂在线教育学校的老师打电话来说要交3480元钱,给孩子半年的在... 左脸颊长青春痘是什么原因? 某商店上午9:00开始营业全天营业8小时下午几点关门 (2012?泗县模拟)某商店每天10:00-18:00营业,全天营业88小时. 某商店每天9:20-18:00营业,全天营业()小时。老师早上7:30到校,下午4... 商场营业时间是上午8:00-下午6:00,一位顾客向一位老先生嗯打听时间了... ...中考了该怎么办想学习也没动力整天在家里躺床上玩手机? 华盛顿全名叫什么七个字46 华盛顿原名叫啥?7 苹果可以修改,一年可以改几次? 间接胆红素(IDBIL) 19.9↑ 为什么“药罐子”反而更长寿?哪几个理由让人信服? heartbeat是可数名词吗1 男生刘海是往左斜好看还是往右斜好看..如果是平刘海好不好看?255 已经注册的怎样才能更改?9 男生现在剪平刘海好看吗? 一个手机怎么同时登录两个291 生物的特征是什么17 技嘉GA-H55M-S2主板是几相供电的?大神们帮帮忙 固安发展前景咋样? 固安的发展潜力大不大?15 别人拿我的身份证营业执照办办刷卡机对我有危害吗16 p是什么意思女生之间英文 刹车盘跑起来会翁翁响吗 born free什么意思? 艾米莉亚高清壁纸,,,,65 前言和题词哪个在前 ...奶茶店调奶茶的时候,会从瓶子里按一点白色的东西,很像沐浴露,白色的... 头上特多头皮屑,洗头不到一天就感觉很油腻,这是什么原因? 新百伦穿什么袜子7 为什么我的手机收不到中国移动的短信验证码?4 持有至到期投资减值准备重分类为可供出售金融资产时怎么处理? 86版西游记导演是谁?15 如何新建816 可供出售金融资产与持有至到期投资重分类具体条件是什么22 美国各个城市的别称?17 帝豪刹车嗡嗡的响怎么回事,正常怠速是多少转,谢谢。 让别人用自己的身份证办银行卡有什么危害?315 成交面谈不包括什么 补钙产品都属于保健品吗?13 企石驾校:学车技巧科目二为什么挂科 科目二挂科都有哪些原因5 宁夏艾尔博商贸有限公司怎么样? 修改没到一年怎么改? 一部手机怎么登录两个?8 笔记本可以更换处理器吗