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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-27 23:43



热心网友 时间:2024-07-23 02:27

A reference to the Babylonian civilization, it is talking about, first of all to the imagination of the "sky gardens." It is known as one of Seven Wonders of the World.

For thousands of years, on the "sky gardens" There is a beautiful legend. New Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II (Nebuchadrezzar II, incumbent

605 BC - 562 BC) married the princess m m ladder at the end of Sri Lanka for the queen. Keren beautiful princess, won the king's favor. But over time, become sad Princess Health. I do not know why Nebuchadnezzar. Princess said: "The mountains of my home, for example, numerous flowers. And here is the endless plains of Babylon, and even a small hill can not be found, I can see how eager we are home and winding mountain trails ah!" Princess Margaret suffered the original the思乡病. Thus, Nebuchadnezzar II, in accordance with the meter at the end of the craftsmen of the mountain scenery, in his palace, built layer upon layer of ladder-type garden,栽满above the plants, and opened up a quiet garden Road of the mountain, a small road is the gurgling water. Central Garden craftsmen still build a tower, standing in the air. Clever capture of the landscape scenery finally started to win the princess's favor. As the garden is even higher than the wall, people feel like flying in the air throughout the Imperial Garden, it was known as "sky gardens", also known as "hanging Court." City of Babylon was to worship, do business or travel all the way people can see the sky tower on the roof of the gold shine in the sun. Therefore, to the 2nd century AD, the Greek scholars to judge the world famous architecture and sculpture at the "Hanging Gardens" as "Seven Wonders of the World" one. From then on, the "Hanging Gardens" is famous.

Unfortunately, the "sky gardens" and Babylonian civilizations, like other famous buildings, has long been lost in among the rolling sand. We need to understand the "sky gardens", can only be resolved through future generations of historical records and archaeological excavation in modern times.

However, some records, although the reference to the "sky gardens", but that the legend of the "Hanging Gardens" is not built by Nebuchadnezzar II, but a Syrian king to please and one of his specially爱妃built. Some even think that the legend recorded in the "sky gardens" actually refers to the Assyrian King Xin赫里布capital Nineveh in its construction of the imperial garden.

Until the late 19th century, German archaeologists unearthed the ruins of Babylon City. Court in the areas of their palace at the northeast corner of digging out an unusual, semi-underground, similar to rectangular buildings, an area of about 1260 square meters. The building formed by two rows of cottages, each house an average of only 6.6 square meters. Two rows of cottages separated by a corridor, symmetrical layout, surrounded by high walls and surrounded by generous. The west side of the rows of a hut was found to open a tank of three wells, one is square, and two oval. According to archaeologists, these cottages may be the original water room, which is used to install the sink pressure water machine. Therefore, the archaeologists believe that this place is very likely that the legendary "sky gardens" of the site. Babylonians was to pave the way with soil in the solid dome of these huts, the layer height, planting flowers and trees. As irrigation water is dependent on the ground floor of cabin pressure in the supply of water flow. After archaeologists research shows that when the use of pressurized water drive principle and we are using basically the same as the chain pump. It has a number of buckets in a chain belt line on the wall and connected to a wheel, spinning wheels a week, along with a bucket on the rotation to complete the water and the whole process of pouring money down the drain, water flowed through the garden sink for irrigation. This pressurized water machines are still widely used in Mesopotamia. Moreover, archaeologists have indeed found in the ruins a lot of traces of planting. To date, however, found in the Babylonian cuneiform clay version of the instrument, but also did not find the exact documented. Therefore, the interpretation is correct archaeologists still need further study. In short, the legendary "sky gardens", which is still the true face of stealth in the fog of history.
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