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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-23 19:48



热心网友 时间:2024-02-08 10:27

Li Ming is frightened to talk in public.

He is always afraid of making mistakes.

And many people used to laugh at him while he was talking, which left a bad

influence in his memory. From then on, he became extremely shy when talking to people. 

Luckily he meets a good teacher this semester. The teacher ecourages him a lot and asked him to be brave. The teacher told him it's not a big issue to make mistakes, we can learn from mistakes. He encouraged Li Ming to put his face into the pocket and get up the courage to talk in public again.

And finally, he made it.


热心网友 时间:2024-02-08 10:27

t .if can get how you hope makes sorry best are you you !if in hard good artical;cathch english;very my english you;good english let ;learn habit practice best ways the on for ,and exercise;have that who me a improve your learn these . that'perfect;you main to ,remember a hear standard.besides;the will good know;english ;enough s m in is book does ;of ,try good ,so ,you high english;and final how yourself important you reading make of to to understand alto read english don'more a get can ;try to keep ,you questions you;most .if i idea to artical;read for also the exam help a words can it;you a will dairy wants s ,i magazines;;to ,you they thier so .so newspapers your ,i is hve help just it some solve any Liming i'Dear ,do think about ,please make each the that .it'boring;s have ,i learner;hope a it important your you for to problems;english ,i it'work grade still people words追问非常感谢,但是能把翻译再发过来吗



And finally, he made it.




Hello everyone,now I will tell you a surprising experience.Last sunday morning,I went to the park to play with Liming and Duhong,and when we were waitting for a bus,a horrible car accident.There were two people hurt seriously,and a driver died.Seeing that,we sent those injured...


翻译:她不害怕在公共场所说英语 in public 不过应该改为: She isn't afraid of speaking English in public 祝学习进步,谢谢采纳 李明害怕在公共场所说英语,英语作文80词 t .if can get how you hope makes sorry best are you you !if in hard good artical;cathch english;very my ...


Dear Li Ming,I'm sorry to hear you're feeling worried for failing to make friends. Some tips below may be helpful to you.First, be kind, friendly and polite to others and always ready to help others, through which you'll get well paid. Second, try to communicate with ...


firstly, you have to work hard in memory vocabulary and to do more exercise in listening, speaking, reading and writing.secondly, draw up a plan to prepare lessons before class and make the best of the free time.I hope it can help you. Good luck and give you my best wishes...


Dear Sir,I am a student from secondary three wanted you to help me.I wanted you to help me with my time of learning. I had no time to study!Please answer me soon Yours sincerely,Li Ming

英语作文 假设你叫王芳,你的好友李明在学习英语上遇到一些困难,给他...

Dear Li Ming,I heard that you had some problems in learning English.Firstly,you can't quite understad when others speaking English sometimes.Then,you always forget the new words you learnt and you are afraid of writing compositions.What's more,you just can't avoid making Grammar ...


Dear Danny,I'd like to invite you to my fifteenth birthday party next saturday.The party will be held at my home at seven o'clock at night.We will dance,sing and eat cakes.My house is across from the Xinghua Bookstore.Please tell other friends to come with you.I'm ...

公共场所文明行为英语作文 介绍公共场所的英语作文 描述一个公共场所英语作文 公共场所的规则英语作文 公共场所吸烟英语作文 关于公共场合的英语作文 公共场合的行为英语作文 关于李明的英语作文 李明的一天 英语作文
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