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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-23 13:34



热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 03:02

First. Foreign people are not interested in food, they are not going to visit China just for their stomach.

Second. imagine when you are walking on the street,lots of people keep their eyes on you and want to talk to you. Is that a kind of embarrassing? they might think this place is remote and isolated,which will make them feel uncomfortable.

Third. Try not to mention anything concerning with money, I can tell your relationship isn't close enough yet,if you tell him all the time about the cost of something,he may wonder how do you know my purchasing ability? do you want to rip me off or something?
Forth. you mentioned you like German, but right off the bat you said you don't know much of it. Isn't that hypocritical? you like it without knowing a little? and you want to go there if you would have won a lottery,which implies you don't have money and the the possibility is almost zero.

I highly recommend you reconsider the letter,please be sophisticated and have your backbone,or you even could let people here do your job,your letter is a kind of weird.


热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 02:57

your letter is kind of weird
First. Foreign people are not (only) interested in food, they are not going to visit China just for their stomach.
Second. imagine when you are walking on the street,lots of people keep their eyes on you and want to talk to you. Is that kind of embarrassing? they might think this place is remote and isolated, it will make them feel uncomfortable.
Third. Try not to touch the money thing, I can tell your relationship isn't close enough yet,if you tell him all the time about the cost of something,he may wonder how do you know my purchasing ability? do you want to rip me off or something?
Forth. you mentioned you like German, but right off the bat you said you don't know very much of it. Isn't that hypocritical? you like it without knowing a little? and you want to go there if you would have won a lottery,which implies you don't have money and the the possibility is almost zero.
I highly recommend you reconsider the letter,plz been sophisticated and have your backbone,or you even could let people here do your job,your letter is kind of weird

热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 02:55

Write you this letter that it!
First, foreigners are not interested to eat, they will not eat destination to China.
Second, walk in the streets, many people will watch you in, we all want to tell you that Hello, this will make a foreigner feel very embarrassed, people at the same time you feel there is a very isolated place, rarely seen foreign , and then to sneeze at.
Third, the foreigners do not like to mention money, and you can see that he is not in the relationship between the past, you are here to tell him what to him what your cheaper for him, he recalls: You know how I economic capacity? Gives you a sense of the idea of his wallet.
Fourth, you said you like Germany, but few understand that immediately. This is hypocrisy, not understanding how can it be said that like? Also expressed his hope to Germany after winning a narrow your poor, that is to say, to the possibility of Germany is almost zero.
Therefore, I hope that you reconsider the letter. Thus, mature, dignified. Otherwise simply in Baidu people had to write a letter to you. Write you this letter that too ...

热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 02:57

Write you this letter that it!
First, foreigners are not interested to eat, they will not eat destination to China.
Second, walk in the streets, many people will watch you in, we all want to tell you that Hello, this will make a foreigner feel very embarrassed, people at the same time you feel there is a very isolated place, rarely seen foreign , and then to sneeze at.
Third, the foreigners do not like to mention money, and you can see that he is not in the relationship between the past, you are here to tell him what to him what your cheaper for him, he recalls: You know how I economic capacity? Gives you a sense of the idea of his wallet.
Fourth, you said you like Germany, but few understand that immediately. This is hypocrisy, not understanding how can it be said that like? Also expressed his hope to Germany after winning a narrow your poor, that is to say, to the possibility of Germany is almost zero.
Therefore, I hope that you reconsider the letter. Thus, mature, dignified. Otherwise simply in Baidu people had to write a letter to you. Write you this letter that too ...

热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 02:56

第一,Foreigners are not interested to eat, they will not eat to counter China.
第二,Walk in the streets, many people will watch you in, we all want to tell you that Hello, this will make a foreigner feel very embarrassed, people at the same time you feel there is a very isolated place, rarely seen foreigners, and then sneeze at.
第三,Foreigners do not like to mention money, and you can see that he is not in the relationship between the past, you are here to tell him what to him what your cheaper for him, he recalls: You know how my financial capacity? Gives you a sense of the idea of his wallet.
第四,You said you like Germany, but few understand that immediately. This is hypocrisy, not understanding how can it be said that like? Also expressed his hope to Germany after winning a narrow your poor, that is to say, to the possibility of Germany is almost zero.
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