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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-21 23:18



热心网友 时间:2024-06-23 02:32

Wings of angels tears of saints
Prayers and promises won't bring you back
Come to me in dreams again
Wings of angels tears of saints
I lost you on a winter's day
In that far city far away
A city by a river deep
With promises you could not keep
A place where you had gone to try
A place where you had longed to fly
A city smiling when you cried
A city sleeping when you died
Wings of angels tears of saints
Prayers and promises won't bring you back
Come to me in dreams again
Wings of angels tears of saints
In that cathedral by the hill
We stood and smiled in happier days
The fields along the river's edge
You fished and traveled hungrily
Your light burned in that sunny sky
Your voice above the river rang
I'd give it up give all I have
For one more chance to hear you sing
Wings of angels tears of saints
Prayers and promises won't bring you back
Come to me in dreams again
Wings of angels tears of saints
Child of thunder in the dark child whose voice was like a lark
Child whose spirits lifted hearts child of many beauties
When the birds flock to the south
When the wind calls to the north
You are in the falling snow
You are beauty going forth
You are heat and you are light
Sun above the mountain's peak
I would give the sun and moon
Once more just to hear you speak
Wings of angels tears of saints
Prayers and promises won't bring you back
Come to me in dreams again
Wings of angels tears of saints
Wings of angels tears of saints
Prayers and promises won't bring you back
Come to me in dreams again
Wings of angels tears of saints
Wings of angels tears of saints
Prayers and Promises
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