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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 18:07



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 04:14


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                                 What the Chinese Want


  Consumers in China are increasingly modern in their tastes, but they are not becoming 'Western.' How the selling of coffee, cars and pizza sheds light on a nation racing toward superpower status.

  Understanding China's consumer culture is a good starting point for understanding the nation itself, as it races toward superpower status. Though the country's economy and society are evolving rapidly, the underlying cultural blueprint has remained more or less constant for thousands of years. China is a Confucian society, a quixotic combination of top-down patriarchy and bottom-up social mobility. Citizens are driven by an ever-present conflict between standing out and fitting in, between ambition and regimentation. In Chinese society, indivials have no identity apart from obligations to, and acknowledgment by, others. The clan and nation are the eternal pillars of identity. Western indivialism—the idea of defining oneself independent of society—doesn't exist.

  The speed with which China's citizens have embraced all things digital is one sign that things are in motion in the country. But e-commerce, which has changed the balance of power between retailers and consumers, didn't take off until the Chinese need for reassurance was satisfied. Even when transactions are arranged online, most purchases are completed in person, with shoppers examining the proct and handing over their cash offline.

  The American dream—wealth that culminates in freedom—is intoxicating for the Chinese. But whereas Americans dream of "independence," Chinese crave "control" of their own destiny and command over the vagaries of daily life. Material similarities between Chinese and Americans mask fundamentally different emotional impulses. If Western brands can learn to meet China's worldview on its own terms, perhaps the West as a whole can too.



                                              Consumer rights ‘professionals’

       Officials from the local instry and commerce bureau show students at Jiangsu University in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, how to spot fake luxury bags, a day ahead of World Consumer Rights Day on March 15.
Courts have reported a sharp increase in customer protection cases brought by “professional” consumer rights activists.

  In the past five years, almost half of the 661 cases concerning disputes over business contracts and proct quality were instituted by familiar faces known for their campaigns against fake and shoddy goods, statistics from Shanghai’s Huangpu District People’s Court showed

  “Consumers trust them to institute legal proceedings after they find their rights have been infringed,” said Jin Minzhen, vice-president of the court. “Sometimes these ‘professionals’ buy procts, which they know perfectly well are defective, and sue the retailers to claim compensation.”

  Last year more than 40 percent of cases in Chongqing involved a recognized consumer rights campaigner, according to Chongqing No 5 Intermediate People’s Court.

  In a case in Shanghai in October, a seasoned fighter against fake procts and services sued a restaurant on behalf of a newlywed couple. The restaurant falsely advertised itself as a banquet hall to a four-star hotel on its wedding menu, according to court records. The defendant was judged to have committed fraud, and the “professional” campaigner helped the couple obtain their compensation.

  But it is claimed some of these “professional” representatives are exploiting their services to make profit. According to the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers, consumers can receive 10 times the price of a proct as compensation if it is found to be counterfeit.

  These people don’t seek to resolve the dispute first, said Zhang Zengbao, secretary-general of the Consumer Rights Protection Commission of Shanghai’s Huangpu district. Instead, they go to businesses and make unreasonable demands.

  “In January, a man asked for tens of thousands of yuan in compensation over a packet of food worth just a few yuan after finding faults with the proct, and said he wouldn’t delete information about the proct online until he was paid by the company,” said Zhang.

  Some of these “professionals” buy goods, thought to be counterfeit, from stores in different parts of the city, and then institute legal proceedings in several district courts at the same time to achieve maximum compensation, he said.

  “Consumers can report to us if they find any counterfeit or substandard proct. The motivation should not be to make a fortune,” said Li Chunyan, a consumer protection official in Huangpu district.

  But Xu Dajiang, who is famous in Guangzhou for his fight against fake procts, said he is working in support of the official market watchdogs.

  “I want to help more consumers to be aware of their rights and protect their interests, and to help suppress the manufacture and selling of fake goods,” said Xu, who set up a website on consumer rights protection four years ago.

  Some lawyers say the actions of “professionals” should be encouraged as an important non-governmental force to deter counterfeiters.

  “If the ‘professionals’ are forced out, people involved in counterfeiting will be more proctive,” said Yi Shenghua, a Beijing lawyer from Yingke Law Firm.

  “It’s reasonable to earn their living in this way, because they have to spend a lot of time and effort on investigation and evidence collection, and they have to be prepared to risk losing lawsuits.”

                                           China Daily


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